The American system classification is used as the standard of soil particle classification. The source data of this data set comes from the soil profile data integrated by the major research plan integration project of Heihe River Basin (soil data integration and soil information product generation of Heihe River Basin, 91325301). The prediction method is mainly based on the soil landscape model. The basic theory of the model is the classic soil genesis theory. The model regards the soil as the product of the comprehensive effects of climate, topography, parent material, biology and time. Scope: Heihe River Basin; Projection: WGS · 1984 · Albers; Spatial resolution: 100M; Data format: TIFF; Data content: spatial distribution of soil clay, silt and sand content Prediction method: enhanced regression tree Environmental variables: main soil forming factors
0 2020-03-27
This dataset contains the flux measurements from site No.6 eddy covariance system (EC) in the flux observation matrix from 28 May to 21 September, 2012. The site (100.35970° E, 38.87116° N) was located in a cropland (maize surface) in Yingke irrigation district, which is near Zhangye, Gansu Province. The elevation is 1562.97 m. The EC was installed at a height of 4.6 m; the sampling rate was 10 Hz. The sonic anemometer faced north, and the separation distance between the sonic anemometer and the CO2/H2O gas analyzer (CSAT3&Li7500A) was 0.15 m. Raw data acquired at 10 Hz were processed using the Edire post-processing software (University of Edinburgh,, including spike detection, lag correction of H2O/CO2 relative to the vertical wind component, sonic virtual temperature correction, coordinate rotation (2-D rotation), corrections for density fluctuation (Webb-Pearman-Leuning correction), and frequency response correction. The EC data were subsequently averaged over 30 min periods. Moreover, the observation data quality was divided into three classes according to the quality assessment method of stationarity (Δst) and the integral turbulent characteristics test (ITC), which was proposed by Foken and Wichura [1996]: class 1 (level 0: Δst<30 and ITC<30), class 2 (level 1: Δst<100 and ITC<100), and class 3 (level 2: Δst>100 and ITC>100), representing high-, medium-, and low-quality data, respectively. In addition to the above processing steps, the half-hourly flux data were screened in a four-step procedure: (1) data from periods of sensor malfunction were rejected; (2) data before or after 1 h of precipitation were rejected; (3) incomplete 30 min data were rejected when the missing data constituted more than 3% of the 30 min raw record; and (4) data were rejected at night when the friction velocity (u*) was less than 0.1 m/s. There were 48 records per day; the missing data were replaced with -6999. Moreover, suspicious data were marked in red. The released data contained the following variables: data/time, wind direction (Wdir, °), wind speed (Wnd, m/s), the standard deviation of the lateral wind (Std_Uy, m/s), virtual temperature (Tv, ℃), H2O mass density (H2O, g/m^3), CO2 mass density (CO2, mg/m^3), friction velocity (ustar, m/s), stability (z/L), sensible heat flux (Hs, W/m^2), latent heat flux (LE, W/m^2), carbon dioxide flux (Fc, mg/ (m^2s)), quality assessment of the sensible heat flux (QA_Hs), quality assessment of the latent heat flux (QA_LE), and quality assessment of the carbon flux (QA_Fc). In this dataset, the time of 0:30 corresponds to the average data for the period between 0:00 and 0:30; the data were stored in *.xlsx format. For more information, please refer to Liu et al. (2016) (for multi-scale observation experiment or sites information), Xu et al. (2013) (for data processing) in the Citation section.
0 2019-09-13
Taking 2005 as the base year, the future population scenario was predicted by adopting the logistic model of population. This model not only effectively describes the pattern of changes in population and biomass but is also widely applied in the field of economics. The urbanization rate was predicted using the urbanization logistic model. Based on the observed horizontal pattern of urbanization, a predictive model was established by determining the parameters in the parametric equation by applying nonlinear regression. The urban population was calculated by multiplying the predicted population by the urbanization rate. The data represent the non-agricultural population. The logistic model was used to predict the future gross domestic product of each county (or city), and then the economic development level of each county (or city) in each period (in terms of GDP per capita). The corresponding industrial structure scenarios in each period were set, and the output value of each industry was predicted. The trend of industrial structure changes in China and the research area lagged behind the growth in GDP, so the changes were adjusted according to the need for future industrial structure scenarios in the research area.
0 2019-09-15
Based on the existing natural hole data of 15 active layer depth monitoring sites in the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor, the active layer depth distribution map of the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor was simulated using the GIPL2.0 frozen soil model. The model required synthesis of a temperature data set of time series. The temperature data were divided into two phases according to the time spans, which were 1980-2009 and 2010-2015. The data of the first phase were from the Chinese meteorological driving data set (http://dam., and the data of the second phase was the application of MODIS surface temperature products (MOD11A1/A2 and MYD11A1/A2) with a spatial resolution of 1 km. In addition, the soil type data required by the model came from the China Soil Database (V1.1) and have a resolution of 1 km. At the same time, the topography was also considered. The research area was classified into 88 types based on the measured soil thermophysical parameters and land cover types, and then the simulation was performed. The simulation results were compared with the field measured data. The results showed that they were highly consistent, and the correlation coefficient reached 0.75. In alpine areas, the average depth of the active layer is below 2.0 m. However, in the river valleys, the average depth of the active layer is above 4.0 m. In the high plain area, the depth of the active layer is usually between 3.0 m and 4.0 m.
0 2019-09-15
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Yingke oasis station from Nov. 5, 2007 to Oct. 31, 2009. The observation site is located in an irrigation farmland in Yingke (E100°24′37.2″/N38°51′25.7″, 1519.1m), Zhangye city, Gansu province. The experimental area, situated in the middle stream Heihe river basin and with windbreaks space of 500m from east to west and 300m from south to north, is an ideal choice for its flat and open terrain. Observation items were multilayer (2m and 10m) of the wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity, air pressure, precipitation, four components of radiation; the surface infrared temperature; the multilayer soil temperature (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, 120cm and 160cm), the soil moisture (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, 120cm and 160cm), and soil heat flux (5cm & 15cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1, in which ambiguous ones were marked; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate. Level2 or above were strongly recommended to domestic users. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
0 2019-09-12
This dataset includes data recorded by the Cold and Arid Research Network of Lanzhou university obtained from an observation system of Meteorological elements gradient of Liancheng Station from January 1 to December 31, 2018. The site (102.833E, 36.681N) was located on a forest in the Tulugou national forest park, which is near Liancheng city, Gansu Province. The elevation is 2912 m. The installation heights and orientations of different sensors and measured quantities were as follows: air temperature and humidity profile (4 and 8 m, towards north), wind speed and direction profile (windsonic; 4 and 8 m, towards north), air pressure (1.5 m), rain gauge (2 m), four-component radiometer (4 m, towards south),infrared temperature sensors (2 m, towards south, vertically downward), photosynthetically active radiation (4 m, towards south), soil heat flux (2 duplicates below the vegetation;-0.05 and -0.1m in south of tower), soil soil temperature/ moisture/ electrical conductivity profile (below the vegetation;-0.05 and -0.1m in south of tower), sunshine duration sensor(4 m, towards south). The observations included the following: air temperature and humidity (Ta_4 m and Ta_8 m; RH_4 m and RH_8 m) (℃ and %, respectively), wind speed (Ws_2 m, Ws_4 m, and Ws_8 m) (m/s), wind direction (WD_2 m, WD_4 m, and WD_8 m) (°), air pressure (press) (hpa), precipitation (rain) (mm), four-component radiation (DR, incoming shortwave radiation; UR, outgoing shortwave radiation; DLR_Cor, incoming longwave radiation; ULR_Cor, outgoing longwave radiation; Rn, net radiation) (W/m^2), infrared temperature (IRT) (℃), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (μmol/ (s m-2)), soil heat flux (Gs_5 cm, Gs_10 cm) (W/m^2), soil temperature (Ts_5 cm, Ts_10 cm) (℃), soil moisture (Ms_5 cm, Ms_10 cm) (%, volumetric water content), soil water potential (SWP_5cm,SWP_10cm)(kpa), soil conductivity (EC_5cm,EC_10cm)(μs/cm), sun time (h). The data processing and quality control steps were as follows: (1) The AWS data were averaged over intervals of 10 min for a total of 144 records per day. The soil heat flux data were wrong during Jan.1 to May 30 because of rodent damage; The data during May. 30 to July 6 were missing because the power supply failure; The air humidity data were rejected due to program error. (2) Data in duplicate records were rejected. (3) Unphysical data were rejected. (4) The data marked in red are problematic data. (5) The format of the date and time was unified, and the date and time were collected in the same column, for example, date and time: 2018-6-10 10:30.
0 2019-06-19
The data set contains the observation data of meteorological elements from the Barren-land Station,which is located along the lower reaches of the Heihe Hydro-meteorological Observation Network, and the data set covers data from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. The station is located in Sidaoqiao,Dalaihubu Town, Ejina Banner, Inner Mongolia. The underlying surface is barren land. The latitude and longitude of the observation point is 101.1326E, 41.9993N, and the altitude is 878m. The four-component radiometer is installed 6 meters above the ground, facing South; two infrared thermometers are installed 6 meters above the ground, facing South, and the probe orientation is vertical downward; the soil temperature probes are buried respectively at 0cm on the ground surface, 2cm and 4cm under the ground, they are located 2 meters from the meteorological tower in the South; the soil moisture sensors (installed on March 15,2014) are buried 2cm and 4cm under the ground, 2 meters from the meteorological tower in the South; the soil heat flow boards (3 pieces) are buried 6cm under the ground, 2 meters from the meteorological tower in the South. Observed items include: four-component radiation (DR, UR, DLR_Cor, ULR_Cor, Rn) (unit: watt / square meter), surface radiation temperature (IRT_1, IRT_2) (unit: Celsius) , soil heat flux (Gs_1, Gs_2, Gs_3) (unit: watt / square meter), soil moisture (Ms_2cm , Ms_4cm) (unit: volumetric water content, percentage), soil temperature (Ts_0cm, Ts_2cm, Ts_4cm) (unit: Celsius). Processing and quality control of observation data: (1) Ensure 144 data per day (every 10 minutes), if there is missing data, it is marked as -6999. The surface radiation temperature IRT2 data during October 12,2014 to November 8,2014 is missing because of sensor problem; Some 2cm soil moisture data during March21 to March 29 and October 12 to November 8 is missing due to probe problem. (2) Eliminate moments with duplicate records; (3) Remove data that is significantly beyond physical meaning or beyond the measuring range of the instrument; (4) Data marked by red is debatable; (5) The formats of the date and time are uniform, and the date and time are in the same column. For example, the time is: 2014-9-10 10:30; (6) The naming rule is: AWS + site name. For hydro-meteorological network or site information, please refer to Li et al. (2013). For observation data processing, please refer to Liu et al. (2011).
0 2019-07-12
This dataset includes data recorded by the Heihe integrated observatory network obtained from the automatic weather station (AWS) at the observation system of Meteorological elements gradient of Yakou station from January 1 to December 31, 2018. The site (100.2421°E, 38.0142°N) was located on an alpine meadow surface, which is near west of Qilian county, Qinghai Province. The elevation is 4148 m. The installation heights and orientations of different sensors and measured quantities were as follows: air temperature and humidity profile (HMP45C; 5 m, north), wind speed and direction profile (010C/020C; 10 m, north), air pressure (PTB110; in the tamper box on the ground), rain gauge (TE525M; 10 m), four-component radiometer (CNR1; 6 m, south), two infrared temperature sensors (SI-111; 6 m, south, vertically downward), soil heat flux (HFP01; 3 duplicates, -0.06 m), soil temperature profile (109ss-L; 0, -0.04, -0.1, -0.2, -0.4, -0.8, -1.2, and -1.6 m), and soil moisture profile (CS616; -0.04, -0.1, -0.2, -0.4, -0.8, -1.2, and -1.6 m). The observations included the following: air temperature and humidity (Ta_5 m; RH_5 m) (℃ and %, respectively), wind speed (Ws_10 m) (m/s), wind direction (WD_10 m) (°), air pressure (press) (hpa), precipitation (rain) (mm), four-component radiation (DR, incoming shortwave radiation; UR, outgoing shortwave radiation; DLR_Cor, incoming longwave radiation; ULR_Cor, outgoing longwave radiation; Rn, net radiation) (W/m^2), infrared temperature (IRT_1 and IRT_2) (℃), soil heat flux (Gs_1, Gs_2 and Gs_3) (W/m^2), soil temperature (Ts_0 cm, Ts_4 cm, Ts_10 cm, Ts_20 cm, Ts_40 cm, Ts_80 cm, Ts_120 cm, and Ts_160 cm) (℃), and soil moisture (Ms_4 cm, Ms_10 cm, Ms_20 cm, Ms_40 cm, Ms_80 cm, Ms_120 cm, and Ms_160 cm) (%, volumetric water content). The data processing and quality control steps were as follows: (1) The AWS data were averaged over intervals of 10 min for a total of 144 records per day. The missing data were denoted by -6999. Due to the sensor malfunction, the infrared temperature and wind direction were wrong during October 10 to November 17 and after August, respectively. (2) Data in duplicate records were rejected. (3) Unphysical data were rejected. (4) The data marked in red are problematic data. (5) The format of the date and time was unified, and the date and time were collected in the same column, for example, date and time: 2018-9-10 10:30. (6) Finally, the naming convention was AWS+ site no. Moreover, suspicious data were marked in red. For more information, please refer to Liu et al. (2018) (for sites information), Liu et al. (2011) for data processing) in the Citation section.
0 2020-07-25
This dataset includes the retrieved soil moisture products from the airborne PLMR microwave radiometer on 30 June, 7 July, 10 July, 26 July and 2 August, 2012 (UTC+8), in the HiWATER artificial oasis eco-hydrology experimental area of Heihe river basin. The soil moisture (SM), vegetation water content (VWC) and surface roughness (Hr) are simultaneously retrieved based on six brightness temperatures at three incidence angles (7°, 21.5°, 38.5°) and with dual polarization (H and V), by using the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm. The spatial resolution of the soil moisture products is 700 m, which represent the ~5 cm surface soil moisture according to the L-band observation wavelength. This dataset is in the format of asc, and with UTM projection (47°N). The validation against the eco-hydrological wireless sensor network observations and artificial synchronized observation shows that the total accuracy of this dataset can achieve 0.05 cm^3/cm^3, and that of the products on 7 July and 10 July even less than 0.04 cm^3/cm^3. This dataset can be helpful for the land surface process/hydrological process simulation and data assimilation, surface flux estimation, artificial irrigation management and spatial scaling research.
0 2019-05-23
The dataset is the distribution map of lakes in Qinghai Lake Basin. The projection is latitude and longitude. The data includes the spatial distribution data and attribute data of the lake. The attribute fields of the lake are: NAME (lake name), CODE (lake code).
0 2020-04-04
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