HiWATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with airborne PLMR mission in the Linze Inland River Basin Comprehensive Research Station on July 3, 2012

On July 3, 2012, airborne ground synchronous observation was carried out in plmr sample belt near Linze station. Plmr (polarimetric L-band multibeam radiometer) is a dual polarized (H / V) L-band microwave radiometer, with a center frequency of 1.413 GHz, a bandwidth of 24 MHz, a resolution of 1 km (relative altitude of 3 km), six beam simultaneous observations, an incidence angle of ± 7 °, ± 21.5 °, ± 38.5 °, and a sensitivity of < 1K. The local synchronous data set can provide the basic ground data set for the development and verification of passive microwave remote sensing soil moisture inversion algorithm. Quadrat and sampling strategy: According to the typical ground surface type represented by three points near Linze station and taking part of neutron tube observation into account, the three routes from northwest to southeast are designed, with an interval of 200 m, a design altitude of about 300 m and a plmr ground resolution of 100 m. According to the observation characteristics of the route and plmr, three observation transects are designed on both sides of the route, each of which is about 6 km long. From west to East are L1, L2 and L3 respectively. Among them, L1 and L2 are centered on the middle route, 80 m apart; L2 and L3 are 200 m apart. Four hydroprobe data acquisition systems (HDAS, ref. 2) were used to measure at the same time. Measurement content: About 4500 points on the sample belt were obtained, each point was observed twice, that is to say, in each sampling point, once in the film (marked as a in the data record) and once out of the film (marked as B in the data record). As the HDAS system uses pogo portable soil sensor, the soil temperature, soil moisture (volume moisture content), loss tangent, soil conductivity, real part and virtual part of soil complex dielectric are observed. Vegetation parameter observation was carried out in some representative soil water sampling points, and the measurement of plant height and biomass (vegetation water content) was completed. Note: the observation date coincides with the irrigation of large area of farmland in this area, which makes it difficult for the observer to move forward, the field block is difficult to enter, and the observation point position deviates from the preset point position. Data: This data set includes two parts: soil moisture observation and vegetation observation. The former saves the data format as a vector file, the spatial location is the location of each sampling point (WGS84 + UTM 47N), and the measurement information of soil moisture is recorded in the attribute file; the vegetation sampling information is recorded in the excel table.

HiWATER: Dataset of fractional vegetation cover and biomass observed in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin (2014)

This data includes the coverage data set of vegetation in one growth cycle in five stations of Daman super station, wetland, desert, desert and Gobi, and the biomass data set of maize and wetland reed in one growth cycle in Daman super station. The observation time starts from May 10, 2014 and ends on September 11, 2014. 1 coverage observation 1.1 observation time 1.1.1 super station: the observation period is from May 10 to September 11, 2014. Before July 20, the observation is once every five days. After July 20, the observation is once every 10 days. A total of 17 observations are made. The specific observation time is as follows:; Super stations: May 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 10, 15, 20, 20, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15 1.1.2 other four stations: the observation period is from May 20 to September 15, 2014, once every 10 days, and 11 observations have been made in total. The specific observation time is as follows:; Other four stations: May 10, 2014, May 20, 2014, May 30, 2014, June 10, 2014, June 20, 2014, June 30, July 10, 2014, July 20, August 5, 2014, August 17, 2014, September 11, 2014 1.2 observation method 1.2.1 measuring instruments and principles: The digital camera is placed on the instrument platform at the front end of the simple support pole to keep the shooting vertical and downward and remotely control the camera measurement data. The observation frame can be used to change the shooting height of the camera and realize targeted measurement for different types of vegetation. 1.2.2 design of sample Super station: take 3 plots in total, the sample size of each plot is 10 × 10 meters, take photos along two diagonal lines in turn each time, take 9-10 photos in total; Wetland station: take 2 sample plots, each plot is 10 × 10 meters in size, and take 9-10 photos for each survey; 3 other stations: select 1 sample plot, each sample plot is 10 × 10 meters in size, and take 9-10 photos for each survey; 1.2.3 shooting method For the super station corn and wetland station reed, the observation frame is directly used to ensure that the camera on the observation frame is far higher than the vegetation crown height. Samples are taken along the diagonal in the square quadrat, and then the arithmetic average is made. In the case of a small field angle (< 30 °), the field of view includes more than 2 ridges with a full cycle, and the side length of the photo is parallel to the ridge; in the other three sites, due to the relatively low vegetation, the camera is directly used to take pictures vertically downward (without using the bracket). 1.2.4 coverage calculation The coverage calculation is completed by Beijing Normal University, and an automatic classification method is adopted. For details, see article 1 of "recommended references". By transforming RGB color space to lab space which is easier to distinguish green vegetation, the histogram of green component A is clustered to separate green vegetation and non green background, and the vegetation coverage of a single photo is obtained. The advantage of this method lies in its simple algorithm, easy to implement and high degree of automation and precision. In the future, more rapid, automatic and accurate classification methods are needed to maximize the advantages of digital camera methods. 2 biomass observation 2.1 observation time 2.1.1 corn: the observation period is from May 10 to September 11, 2014, once every 5 days before July 20, and once every 10 days after July 20. A total of 17 observations have been made. The specific observation time is as follows:; Super stations: May 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 10, 15, 20, 20, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15 2.1.2 Reed: the observation period is from May 20 to September 15, 2014, once every 10 days, and 11 observations have been made in total. The specific observation time is as follows:; 2014-5-10、2014-5-20、2014-5-30、2014-6-10、2014-6-20、2014-6-30、2014-7-10、2014-7-20、2014-8-5、2014-8-17、2014-9-11 2.2 observation method Corn: select three sample plots, and select three corn plants that represent the average level of each sample plot for each observation, respectively weigh the fresh weight (aboveground biomass + underground biomass) and the corresponding dry weight (85 ℃ constant temperature drying), and calculate the biomass of unit area corn according to the plant spacing and row spacing; Reed: set two 0.5m × 0.5m quadrats, cut them in the same place, and weigh the fresh weight (stem and leaf) and dry weight (constant temperature drying at 85 ℃) of reed respectively. 2.3 observation instruments Balance (accuracy 0.01g), oven. 3 data storage All the observation data were recorded in the excel table first, and then stored in the excel table. At the same time, the data of corn planting structure was sorted out, including the plant spacing, row spacing, planting time, irrigation time, except for the parent time, harvesting time and other relevant information.

Basic dataset of Shiyanghe River Basin

The Shiyang River Basin Information System thematic data set is one of the results of the technical assistance project “Optimization of Desertification Control in Gansu Province” assisted by the Asian Development Bank, including 5 folders including document, investigation_point, maps, photo, and spatial. Each file The folder contains several files. The document folder includes the target design, data processing, thematic summary report, and projection information.The gpspoint folder includes files recorded in shapefile point format sampled by gps according to different purposes.The maps folder contains Chinese, english, and fonts files. Folder, the first two folders represent 14 Chinese and English maps stored in A4 format and pdf format, and fonts contain some special fonts: the photo folder contains field survey digital photos stored in bmp format: spatial The folder contains the dem folder of the digital elevation model, the gansu folder of the outline map of Gansu Province and the Hexi Corridor, the generate folder of the site data file shapefile, the grid folder of the raster data of various geographic features, and the remote sensing image. image folder, meteoHydro folder for original site text data, and vector folder for vector data for various geographic features. The data includes: 1. DEM folder: 100m dem, hillshade, divided into GRID and geotif formats 2. Gansu folder: Gansu border, Hexi border 3. Grid folder: NDVI (vegetation index), lndchange (land transfer matrix), landscape86 (land landscape map in 86 years), landscape2k (land landscape map in 2000), Desertiftype (desert type landscape map), Desersevrt (desert type map ), Annprecip 4. Meteohydro folder: Minqin, Wuwei, Yongchang meteorological data (1) daily daily observation items: Airpress (humidity), Precipitation (radiation), Sunlight (sunlight), Temperature (temperature) ), Wind (wind speed) (2) Months (monthly): Airpress (air pressure), Humidity (humidity), Rain (precipitation), Sunlight (sunlight), Temperature (temperature), Wind (wind speed) (3) tendays: Airpress, Humidity, Rain, Sunlight, Temperature, Wind (4) years (year by year): Precipitation, Temperature 5. Vectro folder: (1) Admwhole (county boundary map), (2) Lake (lake), (3) Hydrasta (hydrological site), (4) Basin (watershed boundary), (5) Landscape2000 (land use 200 (Year), (6) landscape86 (land use 1986), (7) Meteosta (meteorological station), (8) Lakep (reservoir point), (9) Place (residential point), (10) Rainfallcontour (railway), ( 11) Rainfallcontour (rainfall contour map), (12) Road (highway), (13) Stream (water system map), (14) Town (county name), (15) Township (county township boundary), (16) Vegetation (vegetation map) Data projection information: PROJCS ["Albers",     GEOGCS ["GCS_Krasovsky_1940", DATUM ["Not_specified_based_on_Krassowsky_1940_ellipsoid", SPHEROID ["Krasovsky_1940", 6378245.0,298.3]],     PRIMEM ["Greenwich", 0.0],     UNIT ["Degree", 0.0174532925199433]],     PROJECTION ["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"],     PARAMETER ["False_Easting", 0.0],     PARAMETER ["False_Northing", 0.0],     PARAMETER ["longitude_of_center", 105.0],     PARAMETER ["Standard_Parallel_1", 25.0],     PARAMETER ["Standard_Parallel_2", 47.0],     PARAMETER ["latitude_of_center", 0.0],     UNIT ["Meter", 1.0]] For detailed data description, please refer to the data file