China meteorological forcing dataset (1979-2015)

The Chinese regional surface meteorological element data set is a set of near-surface meteorological and environmental element reanalysis data set developed by the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The data set is based on the existing Princeton reanalysis data, GLDAS data, GEWEX-SRB radiation data and TRMM precipitation data in the world, and is made by combining the conventional meteorological observation data of China Meteorological Administration. The temporal resolution is 3 hours and the horizontal spatial resolution is 0.1, including 7 factors (variables) including near-surface air temperature, near-surface air pressure, near-surface air specific humidity, near-surface full wind speed, ground downward short wave radiation, ground downward long wave radiation and ground precipitation rate. The physical meaning of each variable: | Meteorological Element || Variable Name || Unit || Physical Meaning | near-surface temperature ||temp|| K || instantaneous near-surface (2m) temperature | surface pressure || pres|| Pa || instantaneous surface pressure | specific humidity of near-surface air || shum || kg/ kg || instantaneous specific humidity of near-surface air | near ground full wind speed || wind || m /s || instantaneous near ground (anemometer height) full wind speed | downward short wave radiation || srad || W/m2 || 3-hour average (-1.5 HR ~+1.5 HR) downward short wave radiation | Downward Long Wave Radiation ||lrad ||W/m2 ||3-hour Average (-1.5 hr ~+1.5 hr) Downward Long Wave Radiation | precipitation rate ||prec||mm/hr ||3-hour average (-3.0 HR ~ 0.0 HR) precipitation rate For more information, please refer to the "User's Guide for China Meteorological Al Forcing Dataset" published with the data. The main changes in the latest version (01.06.0014) are: 1. Extend the data to December 2015 (except for short-wave and long-wave data, only until October 2015; the data from November to December 2015 are interpolated based on GLDAS data, and the error may be too large); 2. Set the minimum wind speed at 0.05 m/s; 3. Fixed a bug in the previous radiation algorithm to make our short wave and long wave data more reasonable in the morning and evening periods. 4. bug of precipitation data has been corrected, and the period involved in the change is 2011-2015.

China alpine region month precipitation dataset (CAPD) (1954-2014)

The monthly precipitation data set of China's alpine mountains includes the qilian mountains (1960-2013), tianshan mountains (1954-2013) and Yangtze river source (1957-2014). The distributed hydrological model needs high-precision spatial distribution information of precipitation as input.Because of the scarcity of stations, the precipitation interpolation at stations cannot reflect the spatial distribution of precipitation in the alpine mountainous areas.Generation method of this dataset: (1) collect precipitation data of national meteorological stations and hydrological stations in various regions, and add precipitation observation data of field stations of Chinese academy of sciences above an altitude of 4000m; (2) use the temperature data of each station to correct the collected precipitation data of different precipitation types; (3) establish the relationship between precipitation data and altitude, longitude and latitude, and fit monthly to generate monthly precipitation data set of 1km scale. The interpolation year of this data is 1954-2014. The data projection method is Albers projection. The spatial interpolation precision is 1-km, and the time precision is monthly data.The results show that the interpolation precipitation is reliable. The data is stored in ASCII files. The file names of the monthly precipitation data files of tianshan mountain and Yangtze river source are in the form yyyymm.txt. YYYY is the year and MM is the month.The monthly precipitation data of qilian mountain is named as: month_10001.txt, this file is the precipitation data of January 1960, successively month_10002.txt is the precipitation of February 1960, and month_10013.txt is the precipitation data of January 1961,......Month_10648.txt represents the precipitation data for December 2013.Each ASCII file represents the grid precipitation data of the day in mm.