• 第三极(中国地区)价格指数经济数据集(2010-2019)

    Data content: price index_ Consumer price index (CPI) (2010-2019) Data source and processing method: obtain the economic original data of the third pole (China region) price index from the official website of the world bank and sina.com from 2015 to 2019, and obtain the economic data set of the third pole (China region) price index from 2010 to 2019 through data sorting, screening and cleaning. The data start time is from 2010 to 2019 in Microsoft Excel (xlsx) format.

    0 2020-11-03

  • 黑河生态水文遥感试验:黑河流域中游临泽内陆河流域综合研究站机载PLMR地面同步观测数据集(2012年7月3日)

    On July 3, 2012, airborne ground synchronous observation was carried out in plmr sample belt near Linze station. Plmr (polarimetric L-band multibeam radiometer) is a dual polarized (H / V) L-band microwave radiometer, with a center frequency of 1.413 GHz, a bandwidth of 24 MHz, a resolution of 1 km (relative altitude of 3 km), six beam simultaneous observations, an incidence angle of ± 7 °, ± 21.5 °, ± 38.5 °, and a sensitivity of < 1K. The local synchronous data set can provide the basic ground data set for the development and verification of passive microwave remote sensing soil moisture inversion algorithm. Quadrat and sampling strategy: According to the typical ground surface type represented by three points near Linze station and taking part of neutron tube observation into account, the three routes from northwest to southeast are designed, with an interval of 200 m, a design altitude of about 300 m and a plmr ground resolution of 100 m. According to the observation characteristics of the route and plmr, three observation transects are designed on both sides of the route, each of which is about 6 km long. From west to East are L1, L2 and L3 respectively. Among them, L1 and L2 are centered on the middle route, 80 m apart; L2 and L3 are 200 m apart. Four hydroprobe data acquisition systems (HDAS, ref. 2) were used to measure at the same time. Measurement content: About 4500 points on the sample belt were obtained, each point was observed twice, that is to say, in each sampling point, once in the film (marked as a in the data record) and once out of the film (marked as B in the data record). As the HDAS system uses pogo portable soil sensor, the soil temperature, soil moisture (volume moisture content), loss tangent, soil conductivity, real part and virtual part of soil complex dielectric are observed. Vegetation parameter observation was carried out in some representative soil water sampling points, and the measurement of plant height and biomass (vegetation water content) was completed. Note: the observation date coincides with the irrigation of large area of farmland in this area, which makes it difficult for the observer to move forward, the field block is difficult to enter, and the observation point position deviates from the preset point position. Data: This data set includes two parts: soil moisture observation and vegetation observation. The former saves the data format as a vector file, the spatial location is the location of each sampling point (WGS84 + UTM 47N), and the measurement information of soil moisture is recorded in the attribute file; the vegetation sampling information is recorded in the excel table.

    0 2020-03-14

  • 张掖市2005年土地利用/土地覆盖数据集

    This data set comes from the Land use data of Zhangye city in 2005 completed by YAN Changzhen and others from Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The data was generated by manual interpretation based on Landsat TM and ETM remote sensing data around 2005. This data uses a hierarchical land cover classification system. There are six first-class classifications (cultivated land, woodland, grassland, waters, urban and rural areas, industrial and mining, residential land and unused land), and 25 second-class classifications covering five counties and one district of Zhangye City, Gansu Province. The land use classification criteria used by the Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1986 are adopted in this data. The data type is vector polygon, stored in Shape format, and the data range covers Zhangye City.

    0 2020-03-31

  • 黑河流域土地利用/土地覆盖数据集(2000)

    China 1:100000 data of land use is a major application in the Chinese Academy of Sciences "five-year" project "the national resources and environment remote sensing macroscopic investigation and study of dynamic organized 19 Chinese Academy of Sciences institute of remote sensing science and technology team, by means of satellite remote sensing, in three years based on Landsat MSS, TM and ETM remote sensing data established China 1:100000 images and vector of land use database.The main contents include: China 1:100,000 land use data;China 1:100,000 land use graph data and attribute data. The data was directly clipped from China's 1:100,000 land-use data.A hierarchical land cover classification system was adopted for the land use data of heihe basin of 1:100,000, and the whole basin was divided into 6 primary categories (arable land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural areas, industrial and mining areas, residential land and unused land) and 26 secondary categories.The data type is vector polygon, which is stored in Shape format.There are two types of data projection: WGS84/ALBERS;Data coverage covers the new heihe watershed boundary (lack of outer Mongolia data). Land use classification attributes: The first class type and the second class type attributes encode the spatial distribution position Cultivated paddy field 113 is mainly distributed in alluvial plain, basin and valley Cultivated paddy field 112 distributed in hilly valley narrow valley platform or beach (with irrigation conditions) Cultivated paddy field 111 is mainly distributed in mountain valley narrow valley platform or beach (with better irrigation conditions) Arable land 124 is mainly distributed in mountainous areas, the slope is generally more than 25 degrees (belongs to the steep slope hanging land), should be returned to forest. Cultivated dry land 123 is mainly distributed in basins, piedmont belts, river alluvial, diluvial or lacustrine plains (water shortage and poor irrigation conditions). Cultivated dry land 122 is mainly distributed in hilly areas (shaanxi, gan, ning, qing).In general, the plot is distributed on gentle slopes and x and sockets of hills. Arable land 121 is mainly distributed in the mountainous area, with an elevation of 4000 meters below the slope (gentle slope, mountainside, steep slope platform, etc.) and mountain front belt. Woodlands have woodlands (trees) 21 mainly distributed in the mountains (below 4000 meters above sea level) or in the slope, valley two slopes, mountain tops, plains.In qinghai nanshan, qilian mountains are. Woodland shrub 22 is mainly distributed in the higher mountain areas (below 4500 m), most of the distribution of hillside and valley and sand. Forest dredging 23 mainly distributed in the mountains, hills, plains and sandy land, gobi (soil, gravel) edge. Other woodlands 24 are mainly distributed in the oasis ridge, river, roadside and rural residential areas around. Grassland 31 is generally distributed in mountainous areas (gentle slopes), hills (steep slopes) and interriver beaches, gobi desert, sandy hills, etc. The covered grassland 32 is mainly distributed in dry places (next door low-lying land and sandy hills, etc.). Grassland low cover grassland 33 mainly grows in drier places (loess hills and sandy edges). The river channel 41 is mainly distributed in the plain, the cultivated land between the rivers and the valleys in the mountains. Water lakes are mainly distributed in low-lying areas. The reservoirs are mainly distributed in the intermountain lowlands and intersandy hills in qinghai province. Water area glaciers and permanent snow 44 mainly distributed in the plain, the valley between the river, there are surrounding residents and arable land. Waters and beaches are mainly distributed on the top of (over 4000) mountains.

    0 2020-03-15

  • 基于CMIP5气候情景的黑河流域未来气温的降尺度模拟(2011-2100)

    Based on the downscaling temperature result data in the historical period of CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5), the future multi-year average temperature in the three periods of 2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100 was predicted. Under the scenarios of rcp2.6, rcp4.5, and rcp8.5, the method of combining ordinary least squares regression with HASM (High Accuracy Surface Modeling Method) was used to downscaling simulate and predict, and the 1km downscaling results of the multi-year average temperature in the three scenarios of 2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100 were obtained.

    0 2020-03-02

  • 黑河生态水文遥感试验:非均匀下垫面地表蒸散发的多尺度观测试验-通量观测矩阵数据集(14号点涡动相关仪,2012)

    This dataset contains the flux measurements from site No.14 eddy covariance system (EC) in the flux observation matrix from 30 May to 21 September, 2012. The site (100.35310° E, 38.85867° N) was located in a cropland (maize surface) in Yingke irrigation district, which is near Zhangye, Gansu Province. The elevation is 1570.23 m. The EC was installed at a height of 4.6 m; the sampling rate was 10 Hz. The sonic anemometer faced north, and the separation distance between the sonic anemometer and the CO2/H2O gas analyzer (CSAT3&Li7500) was 0.15 m. Raw data acquired at 10 Hz were processed using the Edire post-processing software (University of Edinburgh, http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/abs/research/micromet/EdiRe/), including spike detection, lag correction of H2O/CO2 relative to the vertical wind component, sonic virtual temperature correction, coordinate rotation (2-D rotation), corrections for density fluctuation (Webb-Pearman-Leuning correction), and frequency response correction. The EC data were subsequently averaged over 30 min periods. Moreover, the observation data quality was divided into three classes according to the quality assessment method of stationarity (Δst) and the integral turbulent characteristics test (ITC), which was proposed by Foken and Wichura [1996]: class 1 (level 0: Δst<30 and ITC<30), class 2 (level 1: Δst<100 and ITC<100), and class 3 (level 2: Δst>100 and ITC>100), representing high-, medium-, and low-quality data, respectively. In addition to the above processing steps, the half-hourly flux data were screened in a four-step procedure: (1) data from periods of sensor malfunction were rejected; (2) data before or after 1 h of precipitation were rejected; (3) incomplete 30 min data were rejected when the missing data constituted more than 3% of the 30 min raw record; and (4) data were rejected at night when the friction velocity (u*) was less than 0.1 m/s. There were 48 records per day; the missing data were replaced with -6999. Moreover, suspicious data were marked in red. The released data contained the following variables: data/time, wind direction (Wdir, °), wind speed (Wnd, m/s), the standard deviation of the lateral wind (Std_Uy, m/s), virtual temperature (Tv, ℃), H2O mass density (H2O, g/m^3), CO2 mass density (CO2, mg/m^3), friction velocity (ustar, m/s), stability (z/L), sensible heat flux (Hs, W/m^2), latent heat flux (LE, W/m^2), carbon dioxide flux (Fc, mg/ (m^2s)), quality assessment of the sensible heat flux (QA_Hs), quality assessment of the latent heat flux (QA_LE), and quality assessment of the carbon flux (QA_Fc). In this dataset, the time of 0:30 corresponds to the average data for the period between 0:00 and 0:30; the data were stored in *.xlsx format. For more information, please refer to Liu et al. (2016) (for multi-scale observation experiment or sites information), Xu et al. (2013) (for data processing) in the Citation section.

    0 2019-09-13

  • 黑河生态水文遥感试验:水文气象观测网数据集(混合林站涡动相关仪-2017)

    This data set contains the eddy correlation-meter observation data of the mixed forest station downstream of heihe hydrometeorological observation network from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017.The station is located in Inner Mongolia ejin banner four road bridge, under the surface is populus and tamarix.The longitude and latitude of the observation point are 101.1335e, 41.9903n and 874 m above sea level.The rack height of the vortex correlativity instrument is 22m, the sampling frequency is 10Hz, the ultrasonic orientation is due north, and the distance between the ultrasonic wind speed and temperature meter (CSAT3) and CO2/H2O analyzer (Li7500) is 17cm. The original observation data of the vortex correlativity instrument is 10Hz, and the published data is the 30-minute data processed by Eddypro software. The main processing steps include: outliers, delay time correction, coordinate rotation (quadratic coordinate rotation), frequency response correction, ultrasonic virtual temperature correction and density (WPL) correction.Quality assessment for each intercompared to at the same time, mainly is the atmospheric stability (Δ st) and turbulent characteristics of similarity (ITC) test.The 30min pass value output by Eddypro software was also screened :(1) data when instrument error was eliminated;(2) data of 1h before and after precipitation are excluded;(3) remove the data with a missing rate of more than 10% in the original 10Hz data within every 30 minutes;(4) the observation data of weak turbulence at night (u* less than 0.2m/s) were excluded.The average observation period was 30 minutes, 48 data per day, and the missing data was marked as -6999.April 7 solstice April 8 due to instrument calibration, 3.24-4.08 infrared gas analyzer error, data missing.Suspicious data caused by instrument drift, etc., are identified in red font.When 10Hz data is missing due to a problem with the memory card storage data, the data is replaced by the 30min flux data output by the collector. The published observational data include:Date/Time for the Date/Time, wind Wdir (°), Wnd horizontal wind speed (m/s), standard deviation Std_Uy lateral wind speed (m/s), ultrasonic virtual temperature Tv (℃), the water vapor density H2O (g/m3), carbon dioxide concentration CO2 (mg/m3), friction velocity Ustar) (m/s), Mr. Hoff length L (m), sensible heat flux Hs (W/m2), latent heat flux LE (W/m2), carbon dioxide flux Fc (mg/(m2s)), the quality of the sensible heat flux identifier QA_Hs, the quality of the latent heat flux identifier QA_LE,Quality indicator for co2 flux QA_Fc.The quality of the sensible heat and latent heat, carbon dioxide flux identification is divided into three (quality id 0: (Δ st < 30, the ITC < 30);1: (Δ st < 100, ITC < 100);The rest is 2).The meaning of data time, such as 0:30 represents the average of 0:00-0:30;The data is stored in *.xls format. For information of hydrometeorological network or station, please refer to Li et al. (2013), and for observation data processing, please refer to Liu et al. (2011).

    0 2020-03-04

  • 黑河干流(莺落峡以上流域)生态水文过程模拟结果(2000-2012)V2.0

    The output data of the distributed eco-hydrological model (GBEHM) of the upper reaches of the black river include the spatial distribution data series of 1-km grid. Region: upper reaches of heihe river (yingxiaoxia), time resolution: month scale, spatial resolution: 1km, time period: 2000-2012. The data include evapotranspiration, runoff depth and soil volumetric water content (0-100cm). All data is in ASCII format. See basan.asc file in the reference directory for the basin space range. The projection parameter of the model result is Sphere_ARC_INFO_Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area.

    0 2020-08-10

  • 黑河生态水文遥感试验:黑河流域中游大满超级站TerraSAR-X地面同步观测数据集(2012年6月4日)

    The first dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with TerraSAR-X was obtained in the Daman foci experimental area on 4 June, 2012. The satellite image was in StripMap mode and HH/VV polarization with an incidence angle of 22-24°, and the overpass time was approximately at 19:00 UTC+8. The second dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with TerraSAR-X was obtained in the Daman foci experimental area on 15 June, 2012. The satellite image was in StripMap mode and HH/VV polarization with an incidence angle of 22-24°, and the overpass time was approximately at 19:00 UTC+8. The third dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with TerraSAR-X was obtained in the Daman foci experimental area on 26 June, 2012. The satellite image was in StripMap mode and HH/VV polarization with an incidence angle of 22-24°, and the overpass time was approximately at 19:00 UTC+8. The measurements were conducted at a sampling plot southeast to the Daman Superstation with an area of around 100 m × 100 m, which was dominantly planted with maize. Steven Hydro probes were used to collect soil moisture and other measurements with an interval of 5 m. For each sampling point, two measurements were acquired within an area of 1 m2, with one for the soil covered by plastic film (point name was tagged as LXPXXA) and the other for exposed soil (point name was tagged as LXPXXB). Concurrently with soil moisture sampling, vegetation properties were measured at around 10 locations within this sampling plot. Observation items included: Soil parameters: volumetric soil moisture (inherently converted from measured soil dielectric constant), soil temperature, soil dielectric constant, soil electric conductivity. Vegetation parameters: biomass, LAI, vegetation water content, canopy height, row distance and leaf chlorophyll content. Data and data format: This dataset includes two parts of measurements, i.e. soil and vegetation parameters. The former is as shapefile, with measured items stored in its attribute table. The measured vegetation parameters are recorded in an Excel file.

    0 2019-09-13

  • 黄河上游内蒙河段非标准站日气象数据(1952-2006)

    I. Overview This data set contains daily meteorological data from the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River from Wuhai to Dalat Banner from 1952 to 2006. Non-standard station data includes two elements, namely: temperature and precipitation. Ⅱ. Data processing description The data is stored as integers, the temperature unit is (0.1 ° C) value, the precipitation unit is (0.1 mm), and it is stored as an ASCII text file. Ⅲ. Data content description Standard station data, temperature and precipitation are stored separately, which are temperature file and precipitation file. Ⅳ. Data usage description In terms of resources and environment, meteorological data is used to simulate the regional climate change and runoff, sediment, water and soil loss and vegetation changes in the basin, and is also a necessary input condition for remote sensing inversion.

    0 2020-06-05