Current Browsing: plants

HiWATER: Dataset of surface temperature of orchard in the midstream of the Heihe River Basin

A land surface temperature observation system was set up in apple orchard near by the No.17 eddy covariance system of the MUlti-Scale Observation experiment on Evapotranspiration over heterogeneous land surfaces 2012 (MUSOEXE-12). This observation site can offer in situ calibration data of apple trees for TASI, WiDAS and L band sensor used in aerospace experiment. Observation Site: This point is located in a large and homogeneous apple orchard in Zhangye Experiment Field, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It’s 4 meters away from southwest of No.17 eddy covariance system, and observation height is 4.55 m. Crown size of observed apple tree is 4 m × 4 m. Underlying surface of observation site is mainly apple trees. The coordinates of this site: 38°50′41.70" N,100°22′11.40" E. Observation Instrument: The observation system consists of one SI-111 infrared radiometers (Campbell, USA) installed vertically downward to apple tree. Observation Time: This site operates from 3 August, 2012 to 27 September, 2012. Observation data laagered by every 1 minute uninterrupted. Output data contained sample data of every 1 minute. Accessory data: Land surface (apple tree) infrared temperature (by SI-111) can be obtained. Dataset is stored in *.dat file, which can be read by Microsoft excel or other text processing software (UltraEdit, et. al). Table heads meaning: Target_C_Avg, apple tree temperature @ 4.55 m (℃); SBT_C_Avg, body temperature of SI-111 sensor (℃). Dataset is stored day by day, named as: data format + site name + interval time + date + time. The detailed information about data item showed in data header introduction in dataset.


Planting structure and area information of oasis crops in the Heihe River Basin

The dataset include the planting structure and area information of major crops in 11 districts and counties of the Heihe River Basin from 2000 to 2012 (grain, wheat, corn, potato, soybean, cotton, oil, vegetables, etc.)


HiWATER: Dataset of fractional vegetation cover and biomass observed in the middle of Heihe River Basin (2013)

The dataset includes the fractional vegetation cover data generated from the stations of crop land, wetland, Gebi desert and desert steppe in Yingke Oasis and biomass data generated from the stations of crop land (corn) and wetland. The observations lasted for a vegetation growth cycle from 19 May, 2012 to 15 September, 2012. 1. Fractional vegetation cover observation 1.1 Observation time 1.1.1 Station of the crop land: The observations lasted from 20 May, 2012 to 15 September, 2012, and in five-day periods for each observation before 31 July and in ten-day periods for each observation after 31 July. The observation time for the station of crop land (corn) are 2013-5-20, 2013-5-25, 2013-5-30, 2013-6-5, 2013-6-10, 2013-6-16, 2013-6-22, 2013-6-27, 2013-7-2, 2013-7-7, 2013-7-12, 2013-7-17, 2013-7-27, 2013-8-3, 2013-8-13, 2013-8-25, 2013-9-5 and 2013-9-15. 1.1.2 The other four stations: The observations lasted from 20 May, 2012 to 15 September, 2012 and in ten-day periods for each observation. The observation time for the crop land are 2013-5-20, 2013-6-5, 2013-6-16, 2013-6-27, 2013-7-7, 2013-7-17, 2013-7-27, 2013-8-3, 2013-8-13, 2013-8-25, 2013-9-5 and 2013-9-15. 1.2 method 1.2.1 Instruments and measurement method Digital photography measurement is implemented to measure the FVC. Plot positions, photographic method and data processing method are dedicatedly designed. In field measurements, a long stick with the camera mounted on one end is beneficial to conveniently measure various species of vegetation, enabling a larger area to be photographed with a smaller field of view. The stick can be used to change the camera height; a fixed-focus camera can be placed at the end of the instrument platform at the front end of the support bar, and the camera can be operated by remote control. 1.2.2 Design of the samples Three and two plots with the area of 10×10 m^2 were measured for the station of the crop land and wetland, respectively. One plot with the area of 10×10 m^2 was measured for the other three stations. Shoot 9 times along two perpendicularly crossed rectangular-belt transects. The picture generated of each time is used to calculate a FVC value. “True FVC” of the plot is then acquired as the average of these 9 FVC values. 1.2.3 Photographic method The photographic method used depends on the species of vegetation and planting pattern. A long stick with the camera mounted on one end is used for the stations of crop land and wetland. For the station of the crop land, rows of more than two cycles should be included in the field of view (<30), and the side length of the image should be parallel to the row. If there are no more than two complete cycles, then information regarding row spacing and plant spacing are required. The FVC of the entire cycle, that is, the FVC of the quadrat, can be obtained from the number of rows included in the field of view. For other three stations, the photos of FVC were obtained by directly photographing for the lower heights of the vegetation. 1.2.4 Method for calculating the FVC The FVC calculation was implemented by the Beijing Normal University. The detail method can be found in the reference below. Many methods are available to extract the FVC from digital images, and the degree of automation and the precision of identification are important factors that affect the efficiency of field measurements. This method, which is proposed by the authors, has the advantages of a simple algorithm, a high degree of automation and high precision, as well as ease of operation (see the reference). 2. Biomass observation 2.1. Observation time 2.1.1 Station of the crop land: The observations lasted from 20 May 2012 to 15 September 2012, and in five-day periods for each observation before 31 July and in ten-day periods for each observation after 31 July. The observation time for the crop land are 2013-5-25, 2013-5-30, 2013-6-5, 2013-6-10, 2013-6-16, 2013-6-22, 2013-6-27, 2013-7-2, 2013-7-7, 2013-7-12, 2013-7-17, 2013-7-27, 2013-8-3, 2013-8-13, 2013-8-25, 2013-9-5 and 2013-9-15. 2.1.2 The station of wetland: The observations lasted from 20 May 2012 to 15 September 2012, and in ten-day periods for each observation. The observation time for the crop land are 2013-6-5, 2013-6-16, 2013-6-27, 2013-7-7, 2013-7-17, 2013-7-27, 2013-8-3, 2013-8-13, 2013-8-25, 2013-9-5 and 2013-9-15. 2.2. Method Station of the crop land: Three plots were selected and three strains of corn for each observation were random selected for each plot to measure the fresh weight (the aboveground biomass and underground biomass) and dry weight. Per unit biomass can be obtained according to the planting structure. Station of the wetland: Two plots of reed with the area of 0.5 m × 0.5 m were random selected for each observation. The reed of the two plots was cut to measure the fresh weight (the aboveground biomass) and dry weight. 2.3. Instruments Balance (accuracy 0.01 g); drying oven 3. Data storage All observation data were stored in excel. Other data including plant spacing, row spacing, seeding time, irrigation time, the time of cutting male parent and the harvest time of the corn for the station of cropland were also stored in the excel.


HiWATER: The multi-scale observation experiment on evapotranspiration over heterogeneous land surfaces (MUSOEXE-12)-dataset of flux observation matrix (thermal dissipation sap flow velocity Probe) from Jun to Sep, 2012

This dataset includes observational data of sap flow from 14 June to 21 September, 2012. The study area was located in the irrigation area within the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, China. Sample trees were selected for installing TDP (thermal dissipation sap flow velocity probe) instruments according to their height and diameter at breast height (DBH); only Popolusgansuensis trees were selected in this study. The TDP instrument is made in China; the model type was TDP30. There were 3 TDP observation sites, i.e., TDP-1, TDP-2 and TDP-3, which were located near the LAS4_S, EC6 and EC8 sites, respectively. The order of tree heights was TDP-2 > TDP-1 > TDP-3, and the order of DBH was TDP-2 > TDP-3 > TDP-1. At each site, 3 representative trees were selected to measure the sap flow. Three TDPs were mounted on the stem of each tree, one each for the southeast, southwest and north directions; the mounting height is 1.3 meters. Each TDP had two probes. The raw TDP data included the temperature difference between the two probes at a frequency of 30 s. The released data include the 10 minute-averaged sap flow rate (cm/h), sap flow flux (cm^3/h), and daily transpiration (mm/d). The sap flow rate and the sap flow flux were calculated according to the temperature difference between the two probes; the shelter-forest transpiration per unit area (Q) was calculated based on the area of shelterbelts and density of Popolusgansuensis trees at each site. The data preprocessing steps included the following. (1) Unphysical data were excluded. (2) Missing data were filled with -6999. (3) Suspicious data, which were most likely caused by probe failure, were marked in red; confirmed bad data were excluded. For more information, please refer to Liu et al. (2016) (for multi-scale observation experiment or sites information), Qiao et al. (2015) (for data processing) in the Citation section.


HiWATER: Dataset of photosynthesis observed by LI-6400 in the lower of Heihe River Basin on Jul, 2012

The dataset of photosynthesis was observed by LI-6400XT Portable Photosynthesis System in the natural oasis eco-hydrology experimental area of the Heihe River Basin. Observation items included the main vegetation type in the lower reaches of Heihe river: Populus forest, which located in the Populus forest station and the mixed forest station of Ejinaqi. Observation periods lasted from 2014-07-24 to 2014-07-31. This dataset included the raw observation data of the Populus forest observed by LI-6400 during the observation periods. 1) Objectives of observation The photosynthetic datasets can be used in the study of plant physiological ecology characteristic and the simulation and validation for the eco-hydrological models. 2) Instrument and theory of the observation Measuring instrument: LI-6400XT Portable Photosynthesis System. Measuring theory: Using the infrared gas analyzer to measure the change of CO2 concentration, and then measuring the differences of CO2 concentration between the sample chamber and the referenced chamber so as to acquire the net productivity of the leaf. 3) Time and site of observation Observation site in the Populus forest station. Observation time: 2014-07-24 Observation site in the mixed forest station. Observation time: From 2014-07-25 to 2014-07-31. 4) Data processing The raw data of LI-6400 were archived in text format and can be opened by text editor or excel, the preprocessed data were in Excel format. Every time period of observation was archived in a single document, named as “date + type”.


The parameters data of radar inversion in Tianlaochi Catchment in Qilian Mountain (2013)

Leaf area index (LAI), as a structural parameter of vegetation canopy, is an important input parameter for many inversion models such as energy and biomass inversion model. Firstly, vegetation points and ground points are separated in Terrasolid software. Then the transmittance of laser points is calculated, and the transmittance is the proportion of ground points to all points. After laser pulse hits the canopy, some energy passes through the voids between branches and leaves and continues to move forward until the energy is blocked, so some laser points will finally reach the ground. In this study, the ratio of the energy passing through the avoids to the energy of the canopy is used as the Laser Penetration Index (LPI). The LPI of each sample point at each scale in the study area was calculated.


HiWATER: Simultaneous measurement dataset of vegetation chlorophyll content in the middle of Heihe River Basin on July. 8, 2012

The dataset includes the chlorophyll content of vegetation in different site which has different types of vegetation, acquired on 8 July, 2012, in order to validate the Chlorophyll products. Observation instruments: Sampling, Acetone extraction method Measurement methods: To analyze the influence height on chlorophyll , we select 12 different corn samples based on the height of corn. To compare the chlorophyll content of different types of vegetation, we also select 3 types of vegetation sample on the first EC tower, 1 beans sample near the seventeenth EC tower and 3 reed samples on wetland. A total of selected 19 different samples are analyzed in the laboratory in the College of Life Science, Hexi. We extract chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, the content of total chlorophyll of selected samples. Dataset contents: Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, the content of total chlorophyll Measurement time: 8 July, 2012


HiWATER: Dataset of vegetation type and plant structure investigation in the middle of Heihe River Basin form Jun to Aug, 2012

The dataset contains vegetation type and plant structure in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, which was used to validate products from remote sensing. It was generated from investigating the land cover strips of CASI and SASI the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin between 25 June and 6 August in 2012. Instruments: High-precision handheld GPS (2-3 m) and digital camera were used as main tools in the survey. Measurement method: Vegetation range in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin and survey route could be decided with the help of Google Earth. Wuxing village in Xiaoman town was selected to survey detailed and other places were investigated as far to reach as possible. Main methods were to write down the longitude and latitude, phenology of the plant structure, take photos for the vegetation. Dataset contains: longitude and latitude, vegetation type, area and phenology. Observation Place: CASI flight area in artificial oasis in the middle reaches, CASI stripe flight area in the middle reaches and Zhangye district. Date: From 25 June and 6 August in 2012.


HiWATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with airborne PLMR mission in the upper reaches of the Heihe River Basin on August 1, 2012

The dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with airborne Polarimetric L-band Multibeam Radiometer (PLMR) mission was obtained in upper reaches of the Heihe River Basin on 1 August, 2012. PLMR is a dual-polarization (H/V) airborne microwave radiometer with a frequency of 1.413 GHz, which can provide multi-angular observations with 6 beams at ±7º, ±21.5º and ±38.5º. The PLMR spatial resolution (beam spot size) is approximately 0.3 times the altitude, and the swath width is about twice the altitude. The measurements were conducted along two transects respectively located at the west and east branches of the Babaohe River and two sampling plots in the A’rou foci experimental area. Along the transects, soil moisture was sampled at every 50 m in the west-east direction. In order to keep the ground measurements following the airborne mission as synchronous as possible in temporal, measurements were made discontinuously. In the A’rou foci experimental area, two sampling plots were identified with areas of 1.5 km × 0.6 km and 0.85 km × 0.6 km. In each plot, soil moisture was sampled at every 50 m in the west-east direction and 100 m in the north-south direction. Steven Hydro probes were used to collect soil moisture and other measurements. Concurrently with soil moisture sampling, vegetation properties were measured at some typical sampling plots. Observation items included: Soil parameters: volumetric soil moisture (inherently converted from measured soil dielectric constant), soil temperature, soil dielectric constant, soil electric conductivity. Vegetation parameters: biomass, vegetation water content, canopy height. Data and data format: This dataset includes two parts of measurements, i.e. soil and vegetation parameters. The former is as shapefile, with measured items stored in its attribute table. The measured vegetation parameters are recorded in an Excel file.
