GRFRV1.0: Global Reach-level 3-hourly river flood reanalysis (1980-2019)
The global VIC runoff is stored in nc format. The file name is "RUNOFF_yyyy. nc", where yyyy represents the year.
The river discharge is stored in nc format, and the file name is "", where xx represents the region, 01 represents Africa, 02 represents Europe, 03 represents North Asia (Siberia), 04 represents South Asia, 05 represents Oceania, 06 represents South America, 07 represents North America, and 08 represents the Arctic.
The global 3-hour river flood events data is stored in nc format. The file name is "mswep_output_mswep_threshold_gt20_pfaf_xx_1980_2019_2daprt. nc", where xx represents the region.
The underlying hydrography dataset contains two levels. Level_01 provides the first level rivers (riv) and catchments (cat) infomation for pfaf 0x (where 0x stands for region). Level_02 provides the second level rivers (riv) and catchments (cat) information for pfaf xy, where x stands for region, y stands for the subregion y of the region x. The hydrography data are stored in shp and dbf format, which can be easily read by ARCGIS.
Yang, Y., Pan, M., Lin, P. (2022). GRFRV1.0: Global Reach-level 3-hourly river flood reanalysis (1980-2019). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Terre.tpdc.272901. CSTR: 18406.11.Terre.tpdc.272901. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )
Related Literatures:1. Yang, Y., Pan, M., Lin, P.R., Beck, H.E., Zeng, Z.Z., Yamazaki, D., David, C.H., Lu, H., Yang, K., Hong, Y., and Wood, E.F. (2021). Global Reach-level 3-hourly river flood reanalysis (1980-2019). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(11), E2086-E2105.( View Details | Bibtex)
Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.
1.Lin, P., Pan, M., Beck, H.E., Yang, Y., Yamazaki, D., Frasson, R., David, C.H., Durand, M., Pavelsky, T., Allen, G., Gleason, C., & Wood, E.F. (2019). Global reconstruction of naturalized river flows at 2.94 million reaches. Water Resources Research, 55 (8), 6499-6516. (View Details )
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2.Datasets for the SWAT model in Heihe Rriver Basin
3.Thematic analysis data of Murray Darling basin Research in Australia (1912-2012)
4.Data of annual lake area in the endorheic basin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from 1986 to 2019
6.The dataset of the lake distribution in Qinghai Lake basin (2000)
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