Monthly evapotranspiration dataset with 30m spatial resolution over oasis in the middle reaches and 1 km spatial resolution over the Heihe River Basin (2014)

Using ETWatch model with the system complete the heihe river basin scale 1 km resolution 2014 surface evaporation data with middle oasis 30 meters resolution on scale data set, the surface evaporation raster image data of the data sets, it is the time resolution of scale from month to month, the spatial resolution of 1 km scale (covering the whole basin) and 30 meters scale (middle oasis area), the unit is mm.Data types include monthly, quarterly, and annual data. The projection information of the data is as follows: Albers equal-area cone projection, Central longitude: 110 degrees, First secant: 25 degrees, Second secant: 47 degrees, Coordinates by west: 4000000 meter. File naming rules are as follows: 1) 1 km resolution remote sensing data set Monthly cumulative ET value file name: heihe-1km_2014m01_eta.tif Heihe refers to heihe river basin, 1km means the resolution is 1km, 2014 means the year of 2014, m01 means the month of January, eta means the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif means the data is tif format. Name of quarterly cumulative ET value file: heihe-1km_2014s01_eta.tif Heihe represents the heihe river basin, 1km represents the resolution of 1km, 2014 represents the year of 2014, s01 represents the period from January to march, and the first quarter, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format. Annual cumulative value file name: heihe-1km_2014y_eta.tif Heihe represents the heihe river basin, 1km represents the resolution of 1km, 2014 represents the year of 2014, y represents the year, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format. 2) remote sensing data set with a resolution of 30 meters Monthly cumulative ET value file name: heihe-midoasa-30m_2014m01_eta.tif Heihe represents the heihe river basin, midoasis represents the mid-range oasis area, 30m represents the resolution of 30 meters, 2014 represents 2014, m01 represents January, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format. Name of quarterly cumulative ET value file: heihe-midoasa-30m_2014s01_eta.tif Heihe represents the heihe river basin, midoasis represents the mid-range oasis area, 30m represents the resolution of 30 meters, 2014 represents 2014, s01 represents january-march, and the first quarter, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format. Annual cumulative value file name: heihe-midoasa-30m_2014y_eta.tif Heihe represents the heihe river basin, midoasis represents the mid-range oasis area, 30m represents the resolution of 30 meters, 2014 represents the year of 2014, y represents the year, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format.

Hourly solar radiation dataset over the Heihe River Basin (2002)

一. Data overview In the heihe river basin simulation model development and environment construction of cross integration research, project support, ren-sheng Chen (RReDC) in the center of the renewable energy data provided by the model, on the basis of considering the data of heihe river and other radiation model parameterization scheme, by 1 km resolution DEM, heihe surface weather observation data and NECP reanalysis data, the preparation of total radiation, direct radiation and scattering radiation three data sets. 二, data processing process 1) data source Watershed basic data mainly include DEM data, as well as slope and slope direction data generated thereby.The model adopts Alberts equal area conic projection), the grid size is 1km*1km, a total of 411×562 grids, that is, the actual calculated area is about 23*10^4 km^2.The calculated year is 2002, and the temporal resolution is 1h. Two sets of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data were used, one set was instantaneous data of 1°*1° per 6h, mainly ozone and precipitable data.The other set is based on the assimilation data of 4 times a day of 192*94 grid (which is the average value per 6h), mainly the data of total cloud cover and precipitation rate.The main reason for applying the two sets of data is that the total cloud cover changes dramatically with time, and the instantaneous data cannot control the overall change of the weather.However, it is impossible to control the weather change within 6 hours by using the average data of 6 hours. 2) method A. Short-wave solar incident radiation model in clear sky horizontal plane.Rayleigh scattering, aerosol absorption, water vapor absorption, ozone absorption and heterogeneous mixed gases (O2, CO2, etc.) are mainly considered in the calculation of direct radiation from clear sky. B. Short-wave radiation model of clear-sky solar incidence under arbitrary topographic conditions.According to the principle of solid geometry and the algorithm of the short-wave radiation of horizontal plane, a simple algorithm of the short-wave radiation considering the self-masking effect of mountain slopes is designed. C. Calculation of solar incident short-wave radiation under arbitrary terrain conditions in actual weather.Based on the Ver4Fortran source code provided by Dr. Harry d. K of the Greek institute of meteorology and atmospheric physics. D. Spatial interpolation adopts the three-dimensional interpolation method based on triangular grid. The time interpolation of the first set of data adopts linear interpolation. For specific algorithm description, please refer to: Chen rensheng, kang ersi, et al. (2006). "model of hourly incident short-wave radiation under arbitrary terrain and actual weather conditions -- a case study of heihe river basin." Chinese desert (05). 3) data verification The simulation results were verified by using the total radiation observation data of three automatic meteorological stations located in the mountainous area, xishui, linze in the middle reaches and ejinaqi in the lower reaches. The calculated results of the total radiation of xishui were relatively poor, with R2 = 0.71.The measured and calculated results of total radiation of linze and ejin flags are better, with R2 of 0.90 and 0.91, respectively. 4) conclusion It is a feasible method to calculate the solar incident short-wave radiation with large range, long time and high spatial and temporal resolution under any terrain and actual weather conditions by combining the radiation transmission parameterization scheme and remote sensing information, especially in the northwest arid region.The established model only USES DEM data of the basin and the slope and slope direction data generated thereby, while other data are reanalysis data, so it is easy to be popularized and applied.The weather changes at any time in high mountain areas. The main reason for the poor calculation effect of the model in high mountain areas is still the low spatial and temporal resolution of the total cloud cover data. Meanwhile, the inconsistency between the calculated value and the measured value partly leads to the poor comparison results.

Simulated dataset of 3km/1hour in Heihe River basin (2009)

In east Asia, institute of atmospheric physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences key laboratory of regional climate and environment development of regional integration environment with independent copyright system model RIEMS 2.0, on the basis of the regional climate model RIEMS 2.0 in the United States center for atmospheric research and the development of the university of binzhou mesoscale model (MM5) is a static dynamic framework, coupled with some physical processes needed for the study climate solutions.These processes include the biosphere - atmosphere transmission solutions, using FC80 closed Grell cumulus parameterization scheme, MRF planetary boundary condition and modify the CCM3 radiation, such as the heihe river basin observation and remote sensing data of important parameters in the model for second rate, and USES the heihe river basin vegetation data list data of land use in 2000 and the heihe river basin in 30 SEC DEM data, building up suitable for the study of heihe river basin ecological - hydrological processes of the regional climate model.The era-interim reanalysis data were used as the driving field to establish the regional climate model suitable for the study of the eco-hydrological process of the heihe river basin. Spatial scope: the grid center of the simulation area is located at (40.30n, 99.50e), the horizontal resolution is 3 km, and the number of simulated grid points in the model is 161 (meridional) X 201 (zonal). Projection: LAMBERT conformal projection, two standard latitudes of 30N and 60N. Time range: January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009, time interval of 1 hour File content description: a total of 12 files, according to the variable independent name.After each file is unzipped, it is a text file with 7 lines of packet line header, and 365*24*201 lines, each with 161 columns.