Current Browsing: Remote Sensing Data

HiWATER:TerraSAR-X dataset

This dataset includes eight scenes, covering the artificial oasis eco-hydrology experimental area of the Heihe River Basin, which were acquired on (yy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2012-05-24, 2012-06-04, 2012-06-26, 2012-07-07, 2012-07-29, 2012-08-09, 2012-08-14, 2012-08-25. The data were all acquired around 19:00 (BJT) at StripMap mode with product level of MGD. Within them, the former six images are of HH/VV polarization with low incidence angle (22-24°), while the later two images acquired on 2012-08-14 and 2012-08-25 are of VV/VH polarization with higher incidence angle (39-40°). TerraSAR-X dataset was acquired from German Space Agency (DLR) through the general proposal of “Estimation of eco-hydrological variables using TerraSAR-X data in the Heihe River Basin, China” (project ID: HYD2096).


WATER: MODIS dataset

This is the MODIS data with 499 scenes covering the whole Heihe River basin in 2008 and 2009. The acquisition time is from 2008-04-23 to 2008-09-30 (295 scenes), and from 2009-05-01 to 2009-10-01 (204 scenes). MODIS data products have 36 channels with resolutions of 250m, 500m and 1000m respectively. The data format is pds, unprocessed, and the MODIS processing software is filed together with the original data. MODIS remote sensing data of Heihe Integrated Remote Sensing Joint Test are provided by Gansu Meteorological Bureau.


MODIS Snow cover product dataset in China (2000-2004)

The data set is from February 24, 2000 to December 31, 2004, with a resolution of 0.05 degrees, MODIS data, and the data format is .hdf. It can be opened with HDFView. The data quality is good. The missing dates are as follows: 2000 1 -54 132 219-230 303 2001 111 167-182 2002 079-086 099 105 2003 123 324 351-358 2004 219 349 The number after the year is the nth day of the year Pixel values ​​are as follows: 0: Snow-free land 1-100: Percent snow in cell 111: Night 252: Antarctica 253: Data not mapped 254: Open water (ocean) 255: Fill An example of file naming is as follows: Example: "MOD10C1.A2003121.004.2003142152431.hdf" Where: MOD = MODIS / Terra 2003 = Year of data acquisition 121 = Julian date of data acquisition (day 121) 004 = Version of data type (Version 4) 2003 = Year of production (2003) 142 = Julian date of production (day 142) 152431 = Hour / minute / second of production in GMT (15:24:31) The corner coordinates are: Corner Coordinates: Upper Left (70.0000000, 54.0000000) Lower Left (70.0000000, 3.0000000) Upper Right (138.0000000, 54.0000000) Lower Right (138.0000000, 3.0000000) Among them, Upper Left is the upper left corner, Lower Left is the lower left corner, Upper Right is the upper right corner, and Lower Right is the lower right corner. The number of data rows and columns is 1360, 1020 Geographical latitude and longitude coordinates, the specific information is as follows: Coordinate System is: GEOGCS ["Unknown datum based upon the Clarke 1866 ellipsoid",     DATUM ["Not specified (based on Clarke 1866 spheroid)",         SPHEROID ["Clarke 1866", 6378206.4,294.9786982139006,             AUTHORITY ["EPSG", "7008"]]],     PRIMEM ["Greenwich", 0],     UNIT ["degree", 0.0174532925199433]] Origin = (70.000000000000000, 54.000000000000000)



ALOS PRISM dataset includes 13 scenes; one covers the A'rou foci experimental area on Mar. 19, 2008, one covers the Haichaoba on Mar. 19, 2008, one covers the Biandukou foci experimental area on Apr. 17, 2008, and one covers the Linze grassland and Linze station foci experimental areas on Apr. 22, 2008. The data version is LB2, which was released after radiometric correction and geometric correction.


WATER: Landsat dataset (2007-2008)

In 2007 and 2008, Landsat data set 49 scenes, covering the entire black river basin. The acquisition time is:2007-08-12, 2007-09-23, 2008-01-05, 2008-02-06, 2008-03-17, 2008-03-25, 2008-05-10, 2008-05-19, 2008-05-28, 2008-06-04, 2008-07-07, 2008-07-15, 2008-07-22, 2008-07-23, 2008-08-16, 2008-08-30,2008-09-08, 2008-09-15, 2008-09-17, 2008-10-01, 2008-10-10, 2008-10-19, 2008-10-26, 2008-11-02, 2008-11-04, 2008-11-18, 2008-11-20, 2008-11-27, 2008-12-06, 2008-12-13, 2008-12-14. The product is class L1 and has been geometrically corrected.It includes 4 scenes of TM image and 45 scenes of ETM+ image. The Landsat satellite remote sensing data set of heihe integrated remote sensing joint experiment was obtained through free download.


The ENVISAT ASAR image dataset of the Heihe river basin (2007-2009)

ASAR (Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar) is a Synthetic Aperture Radar sensor mounted on ENVISAT satellite. It operates in c-band with a wavelength of 5.6 cm and features multi-polarization, variable observation Angle and wide-range imaging. Heihe river basin of ENVISAT ASAR remote sensing data sets mainly through central Europe "dragon plan" project, the data to the Image mode, cross polarization (Alternating Polarisation) model with wide is given priority to, the spatial resolution of 30 meters. ENVISAT ASAR data 404 scenes are currently available in heihe river basin, including 82 scenes in APP mode, 7 scenes in IMP mode and 315 scenes in WSM mode. The acquisition time is: APP can choose the polarization mode, the time range is from 2007-08-15 to 2007-12-23, 2008-01-02 to 2008-12-20, 2009-02-15 to 2009-09-06; IMP imaging mode, time range from 2009-06-19 to 2009-07-12; WSM wide format, time range from 2005-12-05 to 2005-12-31,2006-01-06 to 2006-12-31, 2007-01-01 to 2007-12-30, 2008-01-01 to 2008-12-28, 2009-03-13 to 2009-05-22. Product level is L1B, without geometric correction, is amplitude data.


HJ-CCD image dataset acquired covering Heihe Basin (2012)

This data set is the multispectral data used to retrieve 30 meter Lai and fAPAR products in 2012. It is obtained by the environmental satellite CCD sensor with a resolution of 30 m and four bands. This data set has been geometric corrected, radiometric corrected and converted into reflectivity image.


HiWATER:Landsat ETM+ dataset (2012)

This dataset includes five scenes, covering the artificial oasis eco-hydrology experimental area of the Heihe River Basin, which were acquired on (yy-mm-dd) 2012-04-05, 2012-04-21, 2012-05-07, 2012-06-24, 2012-07-10. The data were all acquired around 11:50 (BJT) with data product of Level 2. Landsat ETM+ dataset was downloaded from


HiWATER: Radarsat-2 dataset on July. 06, 2012

This dataset includes one scene acquired on (yy-mm-dd hh:mm, BJT) 2012-07-06 06:30, covering the artificial oasis eco-hydrology experimental area of the Heihe River Basin. This datum was acquired at Stripmap-Quad mode with product level of SLC, and this image includes VV, VH, HH and HV polarization with a spatial resolution of 8 m. Radarsat-2 dataset was acquired from the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Courtesy: Dr. Chen Quan).


1:100000 topographic index of the Heihe River Basin

The “Eco-Hydro Integrated Atlas of Heihe River Basin” is supported by the Synthetic Research on the Eco-hydrological Process of the Heihe River Basin– a key project to provide data collation and service for the Heihe River Basin eco-hydrological process integration study. This atlas will provide researchers with a comprehensive and detailed introduction to the Heihe River Basin background and basic data sets. The 1:100,000 topographic framing index of the Heihe River Basin is one of the basic geographs of the atlas, with a scale of 1:2500000, Lambert conformal conic projection, and a standard latitude: north latitude 25 47 . Data source: 1:100000 topographic map index data, Heihe River boundary.
