Domestic high-resolution 2-50m fusion orthophoto validation data set in key rivers and lakes research area of Qinghai Tibet Plateau (2015-2020)

Domestic high-resolution 2-50m fusion orthophoto validation data set in key rivers and lakes research area of Qinghai Tibet Plateau (2015-2020)

Data content: this data set is the historical archived satellite data of the domestic high score series (GF1 / 2 / 3 / 4) in the key river and lake research areas of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau from 2015 to 2020, which can cover the typical river and lake areas for effective monitoring. The time range of the data is from 2015 to 2020. Data source and processing method: the data are level 1 products. After equalizing radiation correction, the changes affecting the sensors are corrected by the equalizing functions of different detectors. Some data are based on the Landsat 8 images in the same period as the base map, and control points are selected for geometric correction of the images. Then, orthophoto correction is carried out based on DEM data, and band fusion processing is carried out for the corresponding data. Data quality description: the Gaofen series satellites are processed by the China Resources Satellite Application Center. There are raw data received by the satellite ground receiving station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and processed products at all levels. Among them, level 1a (pre-processing level radiometric correction image product): image data processed by data analysis, uniform radiometric correction, noise removal, MTFC, CCD splicing, band registration, etc; And provide RPC files for satellite direct attitude orbit data production. Refer to the data website of China Resources Satellite Application Center for details. Data application achievements and prospects: the data are domestic high-resolution data with high resolution, which can be used to monitor the changes of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau as a water tower in Asia and the generated images, and test the accuracy of other data in the region

File naming and required software

Data naming:
The following naming rules are adopted for the file name of the level-1 product of gaofen-3 satellite: GF3 Krn fs1017581e103.8n39.120191212l1 a hhhv l10000000039.7z satellite identification station name working mode orbit number (6 digits) longitude of the scene center (one decimal place after the decimal point of e east longitude and W west longitude) latitude of the scene center (one decimal place after the decimal point of N north latitude and s south latitude) data acquisition date (UTC time) product form polarization mode (AHV: full polarization, DH: dual aperture HH polarization, DV: dual aperture VV polarization, hhhv: hhhv dual polarization, vvvh: vvvh dual polarization, HH: HH single polarization, VV: VV single polarization) product level (L1) product serial number (10 digits)
For GF4, there are three naming structures for L1A level data:
Gf4pm1 * indicates that the data includes panchromatic, multi lingual and medium wave infrared data;
Gf4pms * indicates that the data only includes panchromatic and multiluminal data;
Gf4rs + indicates that the data only contains medium wave infrared data
The naming rules of GF1 and GF2 are similar. Satellite name sensor name center longitude center latitude imaging time L *
Data reading: the data is stored in blocks in TIFF format, compressed and stored. After decompression, it can be opened and read with envi, arcgisa and other remote sensing software

Data Citations Data citation guideline What's data citation?
Cite as:

Qiu, Y. (2022). Domestic high-resolution 2-50m fusion orthophoto validation data set in key rivers and lakes research area of Qinghai Tibet Plateau (2015-2020). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Terre.tpdc.272798. CSTR: 18406.11.Terre.tpdc.272798. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

Support Program

CASEarth:Big Earth Data for Three Poles(grant No. XDA19070000) (No:XDA19000000)

Copyright & License

To respect the intellectual property rights, protect the rights of data authors, expand services of the data center, and evaluate the application potential of data, data users should clearly indicate the source of the data and the author of the data in the research results generated by using the data (including published papers, articles, data products, and unpublished research reports, data products and other results). For re-posting (second or multiple releases) data, the author must also indicate the source of the original data.

License: This work is licensed under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Related Resources

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Geographic coverage
East: 107.00 West: 67.00
South: 25.00 North: 45.00
  • Temporal resolution: Daily
  • Spatial resolution: 10m - 100m
  • File size: 33,280 MB
  • Views: 2117
  • Downloads: 0
  • Access: Protection period
  • Temporal coverage: 2015-01-01 To 2020-12-30
  • Updated time: 2022-08-29

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: QIU Yubao  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles


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