Basic dataset of Shiyanghe River Basin

Basic dataset of Shiyanghe River Basin

The Shiyang River Basin Information System thematic data set is one of the results of the technical assistance project “Optimization of Desertification Control in Gansu Province” assisted by the Asian Development Bank, including 5 folders including document, investigation_point, maps, photo, and spatial. Each file The folder contains several files. The document folder includes the target design, data processing, thematic summary report, and projection information.The gpspoint folder includes files recorded in shapefile point format sampled by gps according to different purposes.The maps folder contains Chinese, english, and fonts files. Folder, the first two folders represent 14 Chinese and English maps stored in A4 format and pdf format, and fonts contain some special fonts: the photo folder contains field survey digital photos stored in bmp format: spatial The folder contains the dem folder of the digital elevation model, the gansu folder of the outline map of Gansu Province and the Hexi Corridor, the generate folder of the site data file shapefile, the grid folder of the raster data of various geographic features, and the remote sensing image. image folder, meteoHydro folder for original site text data, and vector folder for vector data for various geographic features.

The data includes:

1. DEM folder: 100m dem, hillshade, divided into GRID and geotif formats

2. Gansu folder: Gansu border, Hexi border

3. Grid folder: NDVI (vegetation index), lndchange (land transfer matrix), landscape86 (land landscape map in 86 years), landscape2k (land landscape map in 2000), Desertiftype (desert type landscape map), Desersevrt (desert type map ), Annprecip

4. Meteohydro folder: Minqin, Wuwei, Yongchang meteorological data (1) daily daily observation items: Airpress (humidity), Precipitation (radiation), Sunlight (sunlight), Temperature (temperature) ), Wind (wind speed) (2) Months (monthly): Airpress (air pressure), Humidity (humidity), Rain (precipitation), Sunlight (sunlight), Temperature (temperature), Wind (wind speed)

(3) tendays: Airpress, Humidity, Rain, Sunlight, Temperature, Wind

(4) years (year by year): Precipitation, Temperature

5. Vectro folder: (1) Admwhole (county boundary map), (2) Lake (lake), (3) Hydrasta (hydrological site), (4) Basin (watershed boundary), (5) Landscape2000 (land use 200 (Year), (6) landscape86 (land use 1986), (7) Meteosta (meteorological station), (8) Lakep (reservoir point), (9) Place (residential point), (10) Rainfallcontour (railway), ( 11) Rainfallcontour (rainfall contour map), (12) Road (highway), (13) Stream (water system map), (14) Town (county name), (15) Township (county township boundary), (16) Vegetation (vegetation map)

Data projection information:

PROJCS ["Albers",

    GEOGCS ["GCS_Krasovsky_1940", DATUM ["Not_specified_based_on_Krassowsky_1940_ellipsoid", SPHEROID ["Krasovsky_1940", 6378245.0,298.3]],

    PRIMEM ["Greenwich", 0.0],

    UNIT ["Degree", 0.0174532925199433]],

    PROJECTION ["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"],

    PARAMETER ["False_Easting", 0.0],

    PARAMETER ["False_Northing", 0.0],

    PARAMETER ["longitude_of_center", 105.0],

    PARAMETER ["Standard_Parallel_1", 25.0],

    PARAMETER ["Standard_Parallel_2", 47.0],

    PARAMETER ["latitude_of_center", 0.0],

    UNIT ["Meter", 1.0]]

For detailed data description, please refer to the data file

Data Citations Data citation guideline What's data citation?
Cite as:

Li, X. (2010). Basic dataset of Shiyanghe River Basin. A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Geogra.tpdc.270342. CSTR: 18406.11.Geogra.tpdc.270342. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

References literature

1.Wei W, Shi P, Zhou J, et al. Environmental suitability evaluation for human settlements in an arid inland river basin: A case study of the Shiyang River Basin[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2013, 23(2): 331-343. (View Details )

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License: This work is licensed under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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East: 104.20 West: 101.40
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  • File size: 804 MB
  • Views: 19814
  • Downloads: 959
  • Access: Open Access
  • Updated time: 2021-04-19
: LI Xin  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles


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