WATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with EO-1 Hyperion in the Yingke oasis foci experimental area during the pre-observation period ( Sep. 5 - Sep. 10, 2007 )

WATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with EO-1 Hyperion in the Yingke oasis foci experimental area during the pre-observation period ( Sep. 5 - Sep. 10, 2007 )

The dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with EO-1 Hyperion was obtained in the Yingke oasis foci experimental area from Sep. 5 to Sep. 10, 2007 during the pre-observation period. It was carried out by the 3rd and 2nd sub-projects of CAS’s West Action Plan along Zhangye city-Yingke oasis-Huazhaizi, and on the very day of 10, one scene of Hyperion was captured.

sampling plot time north latitude east longitude elevation notes

1 9:58 38°53′53.2″ 100°26′09.7″ 1500 cauliflower land east to the road

2 10:51 38°52′39.8″ 100°25′33.1″ 1510 cabbage land east to the road

3 11:35 38°52′39.0″ 100°25′34.6″ 1510 east to No. 2 sampling plot, maize and intercropping wheat reaped

4 12:24 38°51′53.0″ 100°25′08.0″ 1510 maize seed

5 13:08 38°51′54.2″ 100°25′09.5″ 1520 north to No. 4 sampling plot, maize and intercropping wheat reaped

6 14:40 38°51′23.5″ 100°24′45.0″ 1510 west to the road, maize seed, serious blights (red spider)

7 15:40 38°49′26.6″ 100°23′23.7″ 1540 intercrop land of sea buckthorn and beet

8 16:18 38°49′06.9″ 100°23′30.5″ 1540 tomato land, rich of amaranth weeds

9 16:18 38°49′06.4″ 100°23′30.8″ 1540 beet land

10 16:18 38°49′06.9″ 100°23′30.5″ 1540 tomato land with less weeds

11 10:30 38°48′28.3″ 100°24′11.4″ 1540 sea buckthorn seedling land west to the road

12 11:24 38°48′09.3″ 100°24′10.1″ 1550 sun flower land east to the road, intercropping wheat reaped

13 12:38 38°46′16.3″ 100°23′14.2″ 1600 dry rice land

14 12:45 38°46′16.2″ 100°23′14.0″ 1600 rape land

15 12:54 38°46′15.6″ 100°23′13.8″ 1600 buckwheat land

16 14:52 38°45′55.5″ 100°23′00.1″ 1610 maize (without intercrop)

17 15:28 38°45′57.5″ 100°22′28.3″ 1630 maize (without intercrop)

18 16:20 38°43′17.3″ 100°22′53.4″ 1730 gobi (Bassia dasyphylla and margarite dominate)

19 17:40 38°42′31.8″ 100°22′56.8″ 1780 gobi (Bassia dasyphylla and Sympegma regelii dominate)

20 10:27 38°36′25.1″ 100°20′33.2″ 2260 wheatgrass dominates

21 11:10 38°36′24.4″ 100°20′38.1″ 2260 abandoned composite land

22 11:30 2260 near site 22, wheatgrass and composite cenosis

23 bare land

24 13:09 38°38′46.3″ 100°23′08.5″ 2030 alfalfa land

25 14:39 38°44′30.8″ 100°22′41.0″ 1660 poplar

26 9:47 38°58′11.4″ 100°26′18.3″ 1460 rice land

Observation items included:

(1) quadrat surveys

(2) LAI by LAI-2000

(3) ground object reflectance spectra by ASD FieldSpec Pro (350-2500nm)from Gansu Meteorological Administration

(4) the land surface temperature and the canopy radiative temperature by the hand-held thermal infrared sensor

(5) the photosynthesis rate by LI-6400

(6) the radiative temperature by ThermaCAM SC2000

(7) Atmospheric parameters by CE318 to retrieve the total optical depth, aerosol optical depth, Rayleigh scattering coefficient, column water vapor in 936 nm, and various parameters at 550nm to obtain horizontal visibility with the help of MODTRAN or 6S codes

(8) chlorophyll consistency by portable SPAD

Those provide reliable ground data for developing and validating retrieval meathods of biophysical parameters from EO-1 Hyperion images.

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Cite as:

Yan, Q., Hao, X., Xin, X., Han, H. (2013). WATER: Dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with EO-1 Hyperion in the Yingke oasis foci experimental area during the pre-observation period ( Sep. 5 - Sep. 10, 2007 ). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.3972/water973.0262.db. CSTR: 18406.11.water973.0262.db. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

References literature

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3.Wang Liangxu, Wang Shuguo, Ran Youhua. (2014), Data Sharing and Data Set Application of Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(11), 2020-2024. doi:10.1109/LGRS.2014.2319301 (View Details )

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Support Program

The CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Action Plan for West Development Project (No:KZCX2-XB2-09)

National Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program (No:2007CB714400)

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Geographic coverage
East: 100.46 West: 100.37
South: 38.81 North: 38.88
  • File size: 1,498 MB
  • Views: 17504
  • Downloads: 105
  • Access: Open Access
  • Temporal coverage: 2007-09-20 To 2007-09-24
  • Updated time: 2021-04-19
: MA Mingguo   LI Xin   SU Peixi   DING Songchuang   GAO Song   YAN Qiaodi   ZHANG Lingmei   WANG Xufeng   Qian Jinbo   BAI Yunjie   HAO Xiaohua   Liu Qiang   Wen Jianguang   XIN Xiaozhou   WANG Xiaoping   HAN Hui  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles

Email: poles@itpcas.ac.cn

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