Current Browsing: Eco-hydrology

Vegetation quadrat survey data in the middle of Heihe River Basin (2013-2014)

The survey data of vegetation quadrat in the middle reaches of Heihe River consists of the field survey data in 2013 and 2014, including the vegetation and soil data of the survey quadrat. The data of each survey sample includes the following information: sample longitude and latitude, sample size, elevation, sample overview, plant name, plant height, crown width, coverage, total coverage, number of trees, plant spacing, row spacing, large row spacing, DBH. The soil is divided into 6 layers according to 0-100cm below the ground, which are 0-10cm, 10-20cm, 20-40cm, 40-60cm, 60-80cm and 80-100cm respectively.


Simulation results of eco hydrological model in the middle and lower reaches of Heihe river v1.0 (2001-2012)

This project use distributed HEIFLOW Ecological hydrology model (Hydrological - Ecological Integrated watershed - scale FLOW model) of heihe river middle and lower reaches of the eco Hydrological process simulation.The model USES the dynamic land use function, and adopts the land use data of the three phases of 2000, 2007 and 2011 provided by hu xiaoli et al. The space-time range and accuracy of simulation are as follows: Simulation period: 2000-2012, of which 2000 is the model warm-up period Analog step size: day by day Simulation space range: the middle and lower reaches of heihe river, model area 90589 square kilometers Spatial accuracy of the simulation: 1km×1km grid was used on both the surface and underground, and there were 90589 hydrological response units on the surface.Underground is divided into 5 layers, each layer 90589 mobile grid The data set of HEIFLOW model simulation results includes the following variables: (1) precipitation (unit: mm/month) (2) observed values of main outbound runoff in the upper reaches of heihe river (unit: m3 / s) (3) evapotranspiration (unit: mm/month) (4) soil infiltration amount (unit: mm/month) (5) surface yield flow (unit: mm/month) (6) shallow groundwater head (unit: m) (7) groundwater evaporation (unit: m3 / month) (8) supply of shallow groundwater (unit: m3 / month) (9) groundwater exposure (unit: m3 / month) (10) river-groundwater exchange (unit: m3 / month) (11) simulated river flow value of four hydrological stations of heihe main stream (gaoya, zhengyi gorge, senmaying, langxin mountain) (unit: cubic meter/second) The first two variables above are model-driven data, and the rest are model simulation quantities.The time range of all variables is 2001-2012, and the time scale is month.The spatial distributed data precision is 1km×1km, and the data format is tif. In the above variables, if the negative value is encountered, it represents the groundwater excretion (such as groundwater evaporation, groundwater exposure, groundwater recharge channel, etc.).If groundwater depth is required, the groundwater head data can be subtracted from the surface elevation data of the model. In some areas, the groundwater head may be higher than the surface, indicating the presence of groundwater exposure. In addition, the dataset provides: Middle and downstream model modeling scope (format:.shp) Surface elevation of the middle and downstream model (in the format of. Tif) All the above data are in the frame of WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_47N. Take heiflow_v1_et_2001m01.tif as an example to illustrate the naming rules of data files: HEIFLOW: model name V1: data set version 1.0 ET: variable name 2001M01: January 2000, where M represents month


Datasets of rainfall characteristics for intceotion of alpine shrubs in Hulu Watershed in the upstream of Heihe River Basin

This data set is the precipitation characteristic data in the precipitation interception data of alpine shrub in hulugou basin in the upper reaches of Heihe River in 2012. The observation date is from October 2, 2011 to September 24, 2012. The observation contents include precipitation, precipitation duration, precipitation intensity and frequency of throughfall. The observation data are recorded by self recording rain gauge and artificial rain gauge.


Qinhai spruce canopy conductance in Pailougou watershed (2011-2013)

Canopy conductance (mm s-1) is a sensitive index of forest transpiration response to environmental factors, and is a key parameter in water and carbon exchange model. The data is obtained by expanding the water consumption scale measured by stem sap flow technology to the stand scale to obtain the water consumption of the stand, and then using penman equation to calculate. This data mainly provides basic data for some eco hydrological models.


Qinghai spruce canopy interception at 2800m above sea level in Pailougou watershed (2011-2013)

Forest canopy interception refers to the hydrological process in which part of water is intercepted and received by forest canopy and redistributed to precipitation in the process of precipitation. The data include precipitation, throughfall, canopy interception and interception rate, which are mainly used to provide data support for understanding the eco hydrological process of Picea crassifolia forest.
