Current Browsing: Desert

1:100000 desertification development map of Daqintera (1974)

1. The data is digitized in the map of the development degree of desertification in daqintara (1974) from the drawing. The specific information of the map is as follows: * chief editor: zhu zhenda, qiu xingmin * editor: wang yimou * drawing: feng yu-sun, yao fa-fen, wu wei, wang jianhua, wang zhou-long * cartographic unit: desert laboratory, Chinese academy of sciences * publishing house: xi 'an map publishing house, unified isbn: 12461.26 二. The data is stored in ESRI Shapefile format, including the following layers: 1, * desertification development degree map (1974) : desertification1974.shp 2, * double river: river_double-shp 3, * single river: river_single-shp 4, Road: SHP 5, Lake: lake.shp 6, street: Stree. SHP 7, Railway: Railway. SHP 8, forest belt: Tree_networks 9. Residential land: residential. SHP 10. Map: map_margin.shp 三, desertification development degree figure property fields and encoding attribute: (1) desertification degree (Type) : a flow of sand (Semi - shifting Sandy Land), sand form class (Shapes), grass (Grassland), forest Land, Woodland and forest density (W_density), the cultivated Land (Farmland) (2) sand Shapes: Barchan Dunes, Flat Sandy Land, undulated Sandy Land, Vegetated Dunes (3) the grass (Grassland) (4) Woodland: Woodland. (5) woodland density (W_density): Sparse Woodlot (6) Farmland: Dryfarming and Abandoned Farmland, Irrigated Fields
