Current Browsing: Lakes in Qinghai Province

The measured and simulated data set of lake water storage in Qinghai Province (2000-2019)

The data set consists of four sub tables, which are remote sensing monitoring of Lake area from 2000 to 2019, total lake water storage based on underwater 3D simulation model, Lake area volume equation based on underwater 3D simulation model, and key parameters and results of water storage measurement and Simulation of 24 typical lakes in Qinghai Province. The first sub table is the time series Lake area data from 2000 to 2019 from remote sensing image data monitoring. The third sub table stores the area storage capacity equation of the lake based on the underwater three-dimensional simulation model of the lake. The second sub table is the estimation result by combining the time series Lake area data and the area storage capacity equation, Finally, the key parameters and results of water storage measurement and Simulation of 24 typical lakes in Qinghai Province from 2000 to 2019 are obtained, including simulated water depth, maximum water depth, simulated reference water level and corresponding Lake area of each lake, which are stored in the fourth sub table.
