1:100000 landuse dataset of Qinghai province (2000)

1:100000 landuse dataset of Qinghai province (2000)

This data was derived from "1: 100,000 Land Use Data of China". Based on Landsat MSS, TM and ETM remote sensing data, 1: 100,000 Land Use Data of China was compiled within three years by a remote sensing scientific and technological team of 19 research institutes affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which was organized by the “Remote Sensing Macroinvestigation and Dynamic Research on the National Resources and Environment", one of the major application programs in Chinese Academy of Sciences during the "Eighth Five-year Plan". This data adopts a hierarchical land cover classification system, which divides the country into 6 first-class categories (cultivated land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural areas, industrial and mining areas, residential land and unused land) and 31 second-class categories. This is the most accurate land use data product in our country at present. It has already played an important role in national land resources survey, hydrology and ecological research.

File naming and required software

File name: the data is stored in vector SHP format, and the file name is "qinghai-2000";
Data reading: it can be opened and read by remote sensing software such as ArcGIS and QGIS.

Data Citations Data citation guideline What's data citation?
Cite as:

Liu, J., Zhuang, D., Wang, J., Zhou, W., Wu, S. (2013). 1:100000 landuse dataset of Qinghai province (2000). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Socioeco.tpdc.270634. CSTR: 18406.11.Socioeco.tpdc.270634. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

References literature

1.Liu, J.Y., Liu, M.L., Zhuang, D.F., Zhang, Z.X., & Deng, X.Z. (2003). Study on spatial pattern of land-use change in China during 1995—2000, Science in China (D), 46(4), 373-384. (View Details | Download )

2.Youhua Ran, Xin Li & Ling Lu (2010): Evaluation of four remote sensing based land cover products over China, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31:2, 391-401. (View Details | Download )

3.Lin, G.H., Cai, Z.Y., Zhang, T.Z., Su, J.P., & Thirgood, S.J. (2008). Genetic diversity of the subterranean Gansu zokor in a semi-natural landscape[J]. Journal of Zoology, 275(2), 153–159. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2008.00423.x (View Details )

4.Wang, Xuejia, Yang, Meixue, Liang, Xiaowen, Pang, Guojin, Wan, Guoning, Chen, Xiaolei, Luo, Xiaoqing. The dramatic climate warming in the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, during 1961–2010. International Journal of Climatology, 2013, :n/a-n/a. doi:10.1002/joc.3781 (View Details )

5.Liu, J., & Deng, X. (2010). Progress of the research methodologies on the temporal and spatial process of LUCC. Chinese Science Bulletin. 55, 1354–1362. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11434-009-0733-y. (View Details )

6.Xie, Y.M., Jin, R, & Yang, X.G. (2013). Algorithm development of monitoring daily near surface freeze/thaw cycles using amsr-e brightness temperatures. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 28(2). (View Details )

Copyright & License

To respect the intellectual property rights, protect the rights of data authors, expand services of the data center, and evaluate the application potential of data, data users should clearly indicate the source of the data and the author of the data in the research results generated by using the data (including published papers, articles, data products, and unpublished research reports, data products and other results). For re-posting (second or multiple releases) data, the author must also indicate the source of the original data.

License: This work is licensed under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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  • Temporal resolution: Yearly
  • Spatial resolution: 10m - 100m
  • File size: 159 MB
  • Views: 9161
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  • Access: Requestable
  • Temporal coverage: 2000-01-12 To 2001-01-11
  • Updated time: 2021-04-19
: LIU Jiyuan   ZHUANG Dafang   WANG Jianhua   ZHOU Wancun   WU Shixin  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles

Email: poles@itpcas.ac.cn

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