A biophysical permafrost zonation map in the Northern Hemisphere (2000-2016)

A biophysical permafrost zonation map in the Northern Hemisphere (2000-2016)

This biophysical permafrost zonation map was produced using a rule-based GIS model that integrated a new permafrost extent, climate conditions, vegetation structure, soil and topographic conditions, as well as a yedoma map. Different from the previous maps, permafrost in this map is classified into five types: climate-driven, climate-driven/ecosystem-modified, climate-driven/ecosystem protected, ecosystem-driven, and ecosystem-protected. Excluding glaciers and lakes, the areas of these five types in the Northern Hemisphere are 3.66×106 km2, 8.06×106 km2, 0.62×106 km2, 5.79×106 km2, and 1.63×106 km2, respectively. 81% of the permafrost regions in the Northern Hemisphere are modified, driven, or protected by ecosystems, indicating the dominant role of ecosystems in permafrost stability in the Northern Hemisphere. Permafrost driven solely by climate occupies 19% of permafrost regions, mainly in High Arctic and high mountains areas, such as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

File naming and required software

NIEER_ PER_ Biophysical_ ZONES_ 2000_ 2016_ NH.zip

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Cite as:

Ran, Y., M. Torre Jorgenson., Li, X., Jin, H., Wu, T., Li, R., Cheng, G. (2021). A biophysical permafrost zonation map in the Northern Hemisphere (2000-2016). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Geocry.tpdc.271659. CSTR: 18406.11.Geocry.tpdc.271659. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Related Literatures:

1. Ran, Y.H., M. Torre Jorgenson, Li, X., Jin, H.J., Wu, T.H., Li, R., Cheng, G.D. (2021). Biophysical permafrost map indicates ecosystem processes dominate permafrost stability in the Northern Hemisphere. Environmental Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac20f3.( View Details | Bibtex)

2. Ran, Y., Li, X., Cheng, G., Che, J., Aalto, J., Karjalainen, O., Hjort, J., Luoto, M., Jin, H., Obu, J., Hori, M., Yu, Q., & Chang, X. (2022). New high-resolution estimates of the permafrost thermal state and hydrothermal conditions over the Northern Hemisphere. Earth System Science Data, 14, 865–884. DOI: 10.5194/essd-14-865-2022.( View Details | Bibtex)

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

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Geographic coverage
East: 180.00 West: -180.00
South: 25.00 North: 85.00
  • Temporal resolution: 10 year < x < 100 year
  • Spatial resolution: 1km - 10km
  • File size: 29 MB
  • Views: 21555
  • Downloads: 1248
  • Access: Open Access
  • Temporal coverage: 2016
  • Updated time: 2021-09-01
: RAN Youhua   M. Torre Jorgenson   LI Xin   JIN Huijun   Wu Tonghua   Li Ren   CHENG Guodong  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles

Email: poles@itpcas.ac.cn

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