30 m resolution lake ice type data set of Qinghai Tibet Plateau, Siberia and alaga river lake region, 2015-2019

30 m resolution lake ice type data set of Qinghai Tibet Plateau, Siberia and alaga river lake region, 2015-2019

Lake ice is an important parameter of Cryosphere. Its change is closely related to climate parameters such as temperature and precipitation, and can directly reflect climate change. Therefore, lake ice is an important indicator of regional climate parameter change. However, due to the poor natural environment and sparsely populated area, it is difficult to carry out large-scale field observation, The spatial resolution of 10 m and the temporal resolution of better than 30 days were used to monitor the changes of different types of lake ice, which filled in the blank of observation. The hmrf algorithm is used to classify different types of lake ice. The distribution of different types of lake ice in some lakes with an area of more than 25km2 in the three polar regions is analyzed by time series to form the lake ice type data set. The distribution of different types of lake ice in these lakes can be obtained. The data includes the sequence number of the processed lake, the year and its serial number in the time series, and vector The data set includes the algorithm used, sentinel-1 satellite data, imaging time, polar region, lake ice type and other information. Users can determine the change of different types of lake ice in time series according to the vector file.

File naming and required software

In the process of data set production, firstly, the sentinel-1 satellite data is downloaded from GEE platform, and then the hmrf algorithm is used to classify the downloaded data in batches to obtain the grid classification results of different lake ice types. Secondly, the raster data is converted into vector data in IDL. Finally, the vector data is post processed in ArcGIS to obtain the three polar regions from 2015 to 2019 Vector data sets of different lake ice types in the region. The data is in the folder of region, each region has different lakes, named by number, and imported into GIS to obtain the lake ice type of corresponding date.

Data Citations Data citation guideline What's data citation?
Cite as:

Tian, B., Qiu, Y. (2020). 30 m resolution lake ice type data set of Qinghai Tibet Plateau, Siberia and alaga river lake region, 2015-2019. A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Glacio.tpdc.270806. CSTR: 18406.11.Glacio.tpdc.270806. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

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CASEarth:Big Earth Data for Three Poles(grant No. XDA19070000) (No:XDA19000000)

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Geographic coverage
East: -167.00 West: 137.00
South: 25.00 North: 72.00
  • Temporal resolution: Daily
  • Spatial resolution: 10m - 100m
  • File size: 486 MB
  • Views: 6219
  • Downloads: 1
  • Access: Protection period
  • Temporal coverage: 2015-09-11 To 2019-06-10
  • Updated time: 2021-04-19

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: Tian Bangsen   QIU Yubao  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles

Email: poles@itpcas.ac.cn

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