Comprehensive observation data set of cloud precipitation process in Liupan Mountain (2021)

Comprehensive observation data set of cloud precipitation process in Liupan Mountain (2021)

The data set is a sub data set of the comprehensive observation data set of cloud precipitation process, which is derived from the comprehensive investigation and test carried out in Liupanshan area during 2021. Liupanshan scientific research is carried out in Dawan station, Jingyuan station, Liupanshan station, Longde station, etc. Dawan station is mainly equipped with cfl-06 wind profile radar, ht101 cloud radar, mrr-2 micro rain radar, dsg5 raindrop spectrometer, three-dimensional anemometer, C12 laser cloud altimeter. Jingyuan station is mainly equipped with qfw-6000 microwave radiometer, hmb-kps cloud radar, dsg5 raindrop spectrometer Cl51 laser cloud altimeter. Liupanshan station is mainly equipped with ht101 cloud radar, mrr-2 micro rain radar, Ott laser raindrop spectrometer, cloud condensation nodule (CCN) counter, three-dimensional anemometer, FM120 droplet spectrometer and C12 laser cloud altimeter. Longde station is mainly equipped with rpg-hatpro-g4 microwave radiometer, cfl-06 wind profile radar, ht101 Cloud Radar, mrr-2 micro rain radar Ott laser raindrop spectrometer, C12 laser cloud altimeter. Meanwhile automatic weather station, iron tower (Shangpu), X-band all solid-state dual polarization Doppler Weather Radar (Pengyang County), gradient station and other observations were done. It can be used to study the impact of the eastward movement of the plateau system on the downstream, and to reveal the impact of the atmospheric boundary layer and free atmospheric exchange process on aerosols, clouds Fog and precipitation and their interaction.

File naming and required software

01RGP-HATPRO-G4 microwave radiometer data is stored in ASC mode, and the file name format is yymmdd ①. ②. ③, Where ① is hours, for example, the first hour is 00 and the second hour is 01. When ① is not displayed, it represents the data of a whole day. ② is Data types, such as IWV represents atmospheric water vapor content data, LWP represents cloud liquid water content data, BRT represents brightness temperature data, etc. see data name table for details. ③ indicates the product data type. ASC indicates the product data that can be opened by the table. For example, 210801 BRT. ASC: the brightness temperature data from 00:00 to 23:00 (universal time) on August 1, 2021, which is obtained through the conversion of the radiation signal measured by the microwave radiometer.
02The data of QFW-6000 microwave radiometer is stored in xls mode, such as L16000b20210921000013.xls means: Channel 1 receiver voltage,... Channel 16 receiver voltage, channel 1 module noise source voltage,... Channel 16 module noise source voltage, channel 1 brightness temperature... Channel 16 brightness temperature, receiver noise source temperature, receiver low noise amplifier temperature, K channel receiver surface temperature V-channel receiver surface temperature, ground temperature, humidity, pressure, infrared temperature, azimuth and pitch data.
03CFL-06 wind profile radar product data is stored in txt mode, power spectrum data is stored in compressed bin mode, and the file name format is Z_ RADA_ I_ ①_ YYYYMMDDhhmmss_②_WPRD_③_④.⑤ Where Z represents domestic exchange documents, Rada represents radar data, I represents the area station number of wind profile radar station behind, and wprd represents wind profile radar data. ① Radar station number, LD stands for Lunde meteorological station and 10000 stands for Dawan shadow operation point. ② Is the data type, O represents observation data and P represents product data. YYYYMMDDhhmmss respectively represents the time of data detection (universal time). ③ Indicates the radar model, and LC is L-band boundary layer wind profile radar. ④ Indicates the data type. FFT is the power spectrum data, RAD is the radial data file, robs is the product data file at the real-time sampling height, hobs is the product data file at the half-hour average sampling height, and OOBs is the product data file at the one-hour average sampling height. ⑤ Indicates the file format, txt or bin.
04The cloud layer number, cloud thickness, cloud bottom height, top height and cloud amount observed by HMB-KPS cloud radar are stored in txt mode; The primary product data of echo intensity, radial velocity, velocity spectral width, signal-to-noise ratio and linear depolarization ratio of cloud radar are stored in bin mode. The file naming format is ①_ ②_ YYYYMMDDhhmmss_ ③_ ④_ ⑤. ⑥ Among them, ① cloud radar data is the radar basic product data obtained by fusion detection of boundary layer model, medium cloud model, cirrus model and precipitation model. ② Test site, Jingyuan. ③ Antenna pointing, thi, antenna pointing vertically to the zenith. ④ Indicates the fusion detection of detection mode, boundary layer mode, medium cloud mode, cirrus cloud mode and precipitation mode. ⑤ When the data is obtained, D means that the radar data is calculated by the spectral moment calculation DLL module of the terminal software, and when C means that the radar data is calculated by the digital signal processor DSP. ⑥ Data product type, four modes of fusion method, record file.
05The cloud number, cloud thickness, cloud bottom height, top height and cloud amount data observed by HT101 Cloud Radar are stored in txt mode; Echo intensity, radial velocity, velocity spectrum width, vertical cumulative liquid water content, signal-to-noise ratio basis data and power spectrum data products are stored in bin file. The file naming format is ①_ ②_ YYYYMMDDhhmmss_ ③_ ④_ ⑤. ⑥ Among them, ① cloud radar data includes base data, spectrum data and status data. Radar basic product data obtained by three pulse combination fusion detection. ② The test site is Liupanshan, Longde and Dawan. ③ Antenna pointing, thi, antenna pointing vertically to the zenith. ④ Represents the detection mode, three pulse combination fusion detection. ⑤ The data is obtained by spectral processing and calculation. ⑥ Data product type, products obtained by three pulse combination fusion detection, including basic data, spectral data and state data.
06MRR-2 light rain radar data is stored in txt mode, such as 0501.raw represents the original power spectrum data on May 1; 0501.ave represents the average data on May 1 (time resolution 60s); represents the data processed on May 1 (time resolution 10s).
07X band all solid-state dual polarization doppler weather radar data is stored in binary mode, and the file name format is yyyymmddhhmmss ①v, where yyyymmddhhmmss represents the data detection time. ① Indicates elevation, which is elevation * 0.1, such as 0.5 degree elevation, ① = 0.05. For example, 202101160110000.05v represents the basic product data of radar detected with the initial elevation of 0.5° in the radar body scan mode at 01:10:00 on January 16, 2021.
08The data of DSG5 raindrop spectrometer is stored in txt format, and the file name format is ①_ ②_ Yyyymmddhhmmss yyyymmddhhmm, where ① instrument and equipment model, such as dsg5, represents the data of dsg5 laser raindrop spectrometer; ② It is the test site. For example, HS stands for good water, CJ stands for Chen Jin, CG stands for Chengguan, DW stands for Dawan, HT stands for huitai, and JQ stands for Ji Qiang; Yyyymmddhhmm - yyyymmddhhmm indicates the start and end time of data detection. For example, dsg5_ HT_ 202109151400-202109152300_ THI_ 000_ D. OBS indicates the original data of dsg5 laser raindrop spectrometer at huitai station from 14:00 on September 15, 2021 to 23:00 on September 15, 2021.
09 Cloud condensation nodule (CCN) counter data is stored in csv mode, and the file naming format is CCN 100 data yymmddhhmmss.csv. For example, CCN 100 data 200818030000.csv indicates: Liupanshan, August 18, 2020, from 03:00:00 to 03:59:59, the basic product data of cloud condensation nodule counter (ccn-100).
10 The data of 3D anemometer is stored in data (txt). For example, the data record is: "2021-05-13 08:00:00", 9451,12.8,14.8,3.076137.7,18.56,0.047,15.98,0. Only corresponding records of time series.
11FM120 droplet spectrometer data is stored in csv mode, and the file naming format is "00fm 120yyyymmddhhmmss.csv". For example, '00fm 12020200925000000.csv 'indicates that it was observed and recorded at 00:00:00 on September 25, 2020. Indicates: the file that records which detection mode the fusion data comes from in the above fusion process.
12The data of C12 laser altimeter is stored in db and csv mode. For example, 202108.db refers to the database file of Liupanshan in August 2021. 20210806.csv indicates the cloud bottom height observation data file of Liupanshan national reference station on August 6, 2021.
13The data of CL51 laser altimeter is stored in db and csv mode. For example, 202108.db means the database file of Jingyuan in August 2021. 20210806.csv indicates the cloud bottom height observation data file of Jingyuan on August 6, 2021.
14The data of OTT laser raindrop spectrometer is stored in csv mode. For example, Liupanshan.CSV represents the raindrop spectrometer data of Liupanshan station.
See the corresponding data description document for the above data reading methods.

Data Citations Data citation guideline What's data citation?
Cite as:

Fu, D. (2022). Comprehensive observation data set of cloud precipitation process in Liupan Mountain (2021). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Atmos.tpdc.271996. CSTR: 18406.11.Atmos.tpdc.271996. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

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Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition Program

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  • Temporal coverage: 2021-05-13 To 2021-11-06
  • Updated time: 2022-02-11
: FU Danhong   

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles


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