Comprehensive observation data set of cloud precipitation process in Sanjiang source (2021)

Comprehensive observation data set of cloud precipitation process in Sanjiang source (2021)

The data set is a sub data set of the comprehensive observation data set of cloud precipitation process, which is derived from the comprehensive investigation and test carried out in Sanjiangyuan area during 2021. The scientific research of Sanjiangyuan mainly focuses on Advanced Air King aircraft observation. The airborne observation system includes aerosol, cloud particle spectrometer and imager observation. The observation elements include precipitation particle concentration and image of IP probe, cloud particle concentration and image of CIP probe, cloud and aerosol particle data of CAS probe and Hotwire_ LWC probe liquid water data, CAPS Summary aerosol, cloud and precipitation comprehensive data, AIMMS probe conventional meteorological elements, PCASP -100 probe aerosol particle data. Ground observation includes raindrop spectrometer, microwave radiometer and X-band radar. Raindrop spectrometer mainly observes equivalent volume diameter and particle falling speed. Microwave radiometer mainly observes temperature, humidity, water vapor and liquid water. And X-band radar mainly observes intensity, velocity and spectral width. It can provide data support for the study of the impact of westerly monsoon synergy on the cloud precipitation process of Sanjiang source.

File naming and required software

01 DMT airborne detection data is stored in csv mode, and the file name format is xxVaryyyymmddhhmmss.csv, where xx is the serial number and Var is the corresponding parameter, including PIP, CIP, CAS and Hotwire_LWC, CAPS Summary, AIMMS, CCN, Dual CCN, SPP, Dewpoint, etc., yyyy-year, mm-month, DD-day, HH-hour, mm-minute, SS-second.
02 raindrop spectrometer data is stored in mis mode, with one piece of data per minute and one file per day. The file name format is "yyyymmdd.mis" (mm / DD / yy.mis). Each file has 1440 lines of data (daily data), of which the first half of each line is the conventional data of raindrop spectrum and the second half is the data of raindrop spectrum. If the spectrum data is empty (no precipitation spectrum), fill in "zero" here instead.
03 microwave radiometer data is stored in csv mode, and all output files are automatically named according to the following format: yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss_ xxx.csv. Here, yyyy is the year when the file began; mm is month; dd is date; hh is hours; mm is min; ss is seconds; xxx is the output file type: xxx = lv0 is the level0 file, xxx = LV1 is the level1 file, xxx = Lv2 is the level2 file, xxx = tip is the tip calibration file, xxx = LN2 is the LN2 calibration file, and xxx = ser is the com port input.
04X band radar data is stored in binary, and the recording file is basically VTB2.0 format. File name: XTByyymmddhhmmss.EEE, where X = V, Vol volume scan; X = R, RHI scan; X = P, PPI scan; yyyy-year, mm-month, dd-day, hh-hour, mm-minute, ss-second; EEE-VOL indicates the number of volume scan layers, RHI scan indicates azimuth, PPI scan indicates elevation. The whole file includes two parts: file header and data block. The file header also includes file identification, station information, performance parameters, detection parameters and other information.
See data description document for data reading method.

Data Citations Data citation guideline What's data citation?
Cite as:

Fu, D. (2022). Comprehensive observation data set of cloud precipitation process in Sanjiang source (2021). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Atmos.tpdc.271998. CSTR: 18406.11.Atmos.tpdc.271998. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

Support Program

Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition Program

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License: This work is licensed under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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  • File size: 58,616 MB
  • Views: 1354
  • Downloads: 11
  • Access: Requestable
  • Temporal coverage: 2021-05-13 To 2021-10-31
  • Updated time: 2022-02-10
: FU Danhong   

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles


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