Crop distribution and crop ecological characteristics in Tibet and vertical distribution of tillage system in Qamdo region (1973-1976)

Crop distribution and crop ecological characteristics in Tibet and vertical distribution of tillage system in Qamdo region (1973-1976)

Certain hydrothermal conditions and soil conditions are the basis of crop growth. The Tibetan Plateau covers a vast area, and the changes of altitude and surface form in different areas are extremely complex. Plateau climate and soil have obvious spatial changes, so the distribution of cultivated land and crops has a large regional. There are two groups of high mountain ranges running east-west and north-south in Tibet, forming the basic framework of the plateau. The vast plateau is distributed between the mountains, and there are many low mountains, hills, lake basins and valley inlaid in the meantime, the overall terrain of the whole region gradually picked up from the southeast to the northwest, the southeast is lower, the west, the north is higher. The majestic Himalayas stand on the southern and western borders of China and India, China and Nepal, China and Tin, China and Bhutan, and China and Pakistan. With a total length of 2,400 kilometers and a mountain width of 200-300 kilometers, and an average elevation of more than 6,000 meters, they constitute a natural barrier to the southern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The warm and wet airflow in the Bay of Bengal is blocked by mountains. The climate on the southern slope of the Himalayas is warm and humid, while that on the northern foothills of the Himalayas is warm and cool and dry, forming two different climate regions on the southern and northern slopes. The south side of the Himalayas mountain rivers deep, mountain canyon landform. The valley is more than 3000 meters above sea level, and the climate is warm and humid. The soil types are rich, mainly including mountain yellow soil, mountain brown soil, mountain brown soil and mountain meadow soil, etc. The soil is acidic to neutral, and contains rich humus, high nitrogen content, coarse texture and good permeability. Abundant surface runoff, irrigation conditions are better. However, due to terrain limitations, most of the land cannot be used because the slope is greater than 25 degrees, and most of the land is covered by forests. Arable land is mainly distributed in the valley below 4000 meters, the area is very limited.

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The dataset is stored in Excel format and contains 14 workbooks which are related to crop distribution and crop ecological characteristics in Tibet and vertical distribution of farming system in Qamdo region, respectively
1. Distribution of agricultural areas in Tibet
2. Temperature and frost-free period of Tibet Plateau and plains at the same latitude
3. Vertical decline rate of temperature in different areas of Tibet
4. Thermal conditions at the same latitude and at different altitudes
5. Precipitation and sunshine in different areas of Tibet
6. The highest limit of vertical distribution of crops in Tibet
7. Growth period types of crops in various agricultural areas of Tibet
8. Plant height of crops in Tibet
9. Climate types in Qamdo region
10. Growth periods of winter wheat at different altitudes (variety: Fattened wheat)
11. Growth period of winter bare barley at different elevations (variety: local favorite variety)
12. Rice growth periods at Different elevations in Charu County (Variety: Manbai, 1973)
13. Growth Stage differences of Crops at Different elevations in Mangam County (survey in 1976)
14.Cultivation system and crop rotation in Qamdo region

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Lu, J. (2022). Crop distribution and crop ecological characteristics in Tibet and vertical distribution of tillage system in Qamdo region (1973-1976). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/HumanNat.tpdc.272557. CSTR: 18406.11.HumanNat.tpdc.272557. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

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East: 99.10 West: 78.40
South: 26.83 North: 36.48
  • Temporal resolution: Monthly
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  • File size: 0.06 MB
  • Views: 577
  • Downloads: 123
  • Access: Open Access
  • Temporal coverage: 1973-1976
  • Updated time: 2022-06-10
: LU Jimei   

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles


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