The 7000 years of isotope and geochemical data of the Puruogangri Ice Sheet (2000)

The 7000 years of isotope and geochemical data of the Puruogangri Ice Sheet (2000)

This data set comprises the oxygen isotope and geochemical data of two deep-drilled ice cores drilled in the Puruogangri ice sheet (33°55'N, 89°05'E, altitude: 6070 meters) in the central Tibetan Plateau in 2000. The ice core depths are 118.4 and 214.7 meters, respectively.

Source of the data: National Centers for Environmental Information ( .

The data set contains 6 tables, which are the average values of 1 oxygen isotope per meter of the Puruogangri ice core, the 10-year average data of 1 oxygen isotope of the Puruogangri ice core, the average values of 2 oxygen isotope and the soluble aerosol concentrations per meter of the Puruogangri ice core, the 5-year average data of 2 oxygen isotope and aerosol concentrations of Puruogangri ice core, 10-year average data of 2 oxygen isotope and aerosol concentrations of the Puruogangri ice core, and the 100-year average values of 2 oxygen isotopic and aerosol concentrations of the Puruogangri ice core. The information on the fields is as follows:

Table 1: the average values of 1 oxygen isotope per meter of the Puruogangri ice core

Field: Field Name [Dimensions (Unit of Measure)]

Field 1: Depth [m]

Field 2: δ18° [‰]

Table 2: the 10-year average data of 1 oxygen isotope of the Puruogangri ice core

Field: Field Name [Dimensions (Unit of Measure)]

Field 1: Start time [Dimensionless]

Field 2: End time [Dimensionless]

Field 3: δ18° [‰]

Table 3: the average values of 2 oxygen isotope and soluble aerosol concentration per meter of the Puruogangri ice core

Field: Field Name [Dimensions (Unit of Measure)]

Field 1: Depth [m]

Field 2: Dust (diameter 0.63-20 um) [particles/mL]

Field 3: 18° [‰]

Field 4: F- [ppb]

Field 5: Cl- [ppb]

Field 6: SO42- [ppb]

Field 7: NO3- [ppb]

Field 8: Na+ [ppb]

Field 9: NH4+ [ppb]

Field 10: K+ [ppb]

Field 11: Mg2+ [ppb]

Field 12: Ca2+ [ppb]

Table 4: the 5-year average data of 2 oxygen isotope and aerosol concentration of the Puruogangri ice core

Field: Field Name [Dimensions (Unit of Measure)]

Field 1: Start time [Dimensionless]

Field 2: End time [Dimensionless]

Field 3: δ18° [‰]

Field 4: Accumulation [cm/yr]

Field 5: Dust (diameter 0.63-20 um) [particles/mL]

Field 6: F- [ppb]

Field 7: Cl- [ppb]

Field 8: SO42- [ppb]

Field 9: NO3- [ppb]

Field 10: Na+ [ppb]

Field 11: NH4+ [ppb]

Field 12: K+ [ppb]

Field 13: Mg2+ [ppb]

Field 14: Ca2+ [ppb]

Table 5: the 10-year average data of 2 oxygen isotope and aerosol concentrations of the Puruogangri ice core

Field: Field Name [Dimensions (Unit of Measure)]

Field 1: Start time [Dimensionless]

Field 2: End time [Dimensionless]

Field 3: δ18° [‰]

Field 4: Dust (diameter 0.63-20 um) [particles/mL]

Field 5: F- [ppb]

Field 6: Cl- [ppb]

Field 7: SO42- [ppb]

Field 8: NO3- [ppb]

Field 9: Na+ [ppb]

Field 10: NH4+ [ppb]

Field 11: K+ [ppb]

Field 12: Mg2+ [ppb]

Field 13: Ca2+ [ppb]

Table 6: the 100-year average values of 2 oxygen isotopic and aerosol concentrations of the Puruogangri ice core

Field: Field Name [Dimensions (Unit of Measure)]

Field 1: The last year of the interval [Dimensionless]

Field 2: δ18° [‰]

Field 3: Dust (diameter 0.63-20 um) [particles/mL]

Field 4: F- [ppb]

Field 5: Cl- [ppb]

Field 6: SO42- [ppb]

Field 7: NO3- [ppb]

Field 8: Na+ [ppb]

Field 9: NH4+ [ppb]

Field 10: K+ [ppb]

Field 11: Mg2+ [ppb]

Field 12: Ca2+ [ppb]

Data Citations Data citation guideline What's data citation?
Cite as:

National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). (2018). The 7000 years of isotope and geochemical data of the Puruogangri Ice Sheet (2000). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Related Literatures:

1. Thompson, L.G., Yao, T.D., Davis, M.E., Mosley-Thompson, E., Mashiotta, T.A., Lin, P.N., Mikhalenko, V.N., &Zagorodnov, V.S. (2006). Holocene climate variability archived in the Puruogangri ice cap on the central Tibetan Plateau. Annals of Glaciology, 43(1), 61-69.( View Details | Download | Bibtex)

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

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License: This work is licensed under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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Geographic coverage
East: 89.00 West: 89.00
South: 33.00 North: 33.00
  • File size: 0.1 MB
  • Views: 2944
  • Downloads: 340
  • Access: Open Access
  • Temporal coverage: 2000-01-08 To 2001-01-08
  • Updated time: 2021-04-19
: National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles


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