The combined 1000 yr temperature reconstruction records derived from a stalagmite and tree rings (1000 A.D.-2000 A.D.)

The combined 1000 yr temperature reconstruction records derived from a stalagmite and tree rings (1000 A.D.-2000 A.D.)

The application of general circulation models (GCMs) can improve our understanding of climate forcing. In addition, longer climate records and a wider range of climate states can help assess the ability of the models to simulate climate differences from the present. First, we try to find a substitute index that combines the effects of temperature in different seasons and then combine it with the Beijing stalagmite layer sequence and the Qilian tree-ring sequence to carry out a large-scale temperature reconstruction of China over the past millennium. We then compare the results with the simulated temperature record based on a GCM and ECH-G for the past millennium. Based on the 31-year average, the correlation coefficient between the simulated and reconstructed temperature records was 0.61 (with P < 0.01). The asymmetric V-type low-frequency variation revealed by the combination of the substitute index and the simulation series is the main long-term model of China's millennium-scale temperature. Therefore, solar irradiance and greenhouse gases can account for most of the low-frequency variation. To preserve low-frequency information, conservative detrended methods were used to eliminate age-related growth trends in the experiment. Each tree-ring series has a negative exponential curve installed while retaining all changes.

The four fields of the combined 1000-yr (1000 AD-2000 AD) reconstructed temperature records derived from stalagmite and tree-ring archives (excel table) are as follows:

1) Year

2) Annual average temperature reconstruction

3) Reconstructed temperature deviation

4) Simulated temperature deviation

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Tan, M. (2011). The combined 1000 yr temperature reconstruction records derived from a stalagmite and tree rings (1000 A.D.-2000 A.D.). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Paleoenv.tpdc.270625. CSTR: 18406.11.Paleoenv.tpdc.270625. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

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  • File size: 0.16 MB
  • Views: 13445
  • Downloads: 458
  • Access: Open Access
  • Temporal coverage: 1000-01-08 To 2001-01-07
  • Updated time: 2021-04-19
: TAN Ming  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles


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