Data of new progonocimicid bug from the Middle to Late Jurassic at Daohugou, Inner Mongolia

Data of new progonocimicid bug from the Middle to Late Jurassic at Daohugou, Inner Mongolia

1) This paper reports a new Middle Jurassic progonocimicid bug from Northeast China, named Cicadocoris parvus.

2) The fossils come from the middle layer of Daohugou bed of Haifanggou Formation in Daohugou area, Ningcheng County, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. The images of fossils are obtained by using V16 microscope, the plates are made by using PS software, and the line drawings and maps are drawn by using CDR software.

3) The fossil material consists of 40 in total, including 21 males, 12 females and 7 unknown sex, which are preserved in the gray tuffaceous shale in the middle layer of Daohugou bed、

4) In this paper, the detailed morphological measurements of the new species and show that they are the dominant species in the Jurassic Daohugou biota.

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Data of new fossil species of progonocimicid bug

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Fu, Y. (2021). Data of new progonocimicid bug from the Middle to Late Jurassic at Daohugou, Inner Mongolia. A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.14411/eje.2017.045. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

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East: 119.00 West: 119.00
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  • Temporal resolution: 1000 year < x
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  • File size: 1 MB
  • Views: 1765
  • Downloads: 337
  • Access: Open Access
  • Temporal coverage: Middle Late Jurassic
  • Updated time: 2021-06-24
: FU Yanzhe  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles


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