The dataset of wetland pattern changes on the Tibet Plateau (1970s, 2000s)

The dataset of wetland pattern changes on the Tibet Plateau (1970s, 2000s)

Based on the Tibetan Plateau wetland pattern in the 1970s interpreted using the Mire Map of China compiled by the scientific expeditions and the Tibetan Plateau wetland pattern in the 2000s interpreted using Landsat TM (resolution: 30 m) satellite image data, The Mire Map of China in the 1970s was interpreted.

Visual interpretation of Landsat TM images from 2006 to 2009:

a) Based on the natural zoning of the whole district, the interpretation keys of different wetland types were established with reference to the data obtained by different physical geography units and actual surveys.

b) Based on the established interpretation keys, wetlands with an area greater than 10 square kilometers were primarily extracted by artificial visual interpretation method (excluding permanent, seasonal rivers and riverbeds).

c) According to the interpretation results in combination with the topographic map (resolution: 90 m) of the study area and the actual situation of the wetland plaque investigation within the study area, the plaque modification and supplementation were artificially carried out.

The data of the 1970s were obtained by interpretation of the Mire Map of China compiled by the Tibetan Plateau scientific expeditions of the Changchun Institute of Geography.

The wetland data of the 2000s was derived from Landsat TM (resolution: 30 m) satellite image data.

The data are of good quality.

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Cite as:

Zhou, C. (2018). The dataset of wetland pattern changes on the Tibet Plateau (1970s, 2000s). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/Ecology.tpe.51.file. CSTR: 18406.11.Ecology.tpe.51.file. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

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  • File size: 5 MB
  • Views: 5757
  • Downloads: 462
  • Access: Open Access
  • Temporal coverage: 1970-01-08 To 2010-01-07
  • Updated time: 2021-11-02
: ZHOU Caiping  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles


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