The Water body dataset for the North American high latitudes(WBD-NAHL) data is important for hydrology research, matter and energy cycle research. The inland water inventory included water bodies of tundra and boreal forest in North America. The water extent was extracted from Sentinel-2 A/B multi-spectral with assistant of JRC yearly permanent water. Both water index and random forest methods were used to detect water. The water index extracted the loose water extent. Random forest extracted the more accurate water extent. And area, perimeter and shape index (SI) were provided in this dataset. The overall accuracy is 98%. It was established that about 6.5 million water bodies presented in tundra and boreal forest in North America, among witch 6 million small water bodies less than 0.1 km2 (90% of total water bodies) were included. And the inventory covered 801,445 km2 inland water, the average size, perimeter and SI of which were 0.12 km2, 1.01 km and 1.43.
冯敏, Yijie Sui
中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院 0931-4967287关注我们
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