This data set is the oxygen isotope data (δ18O) and its temperature reconstruction from the Chongce ice cores, in western Kunlun Mountains, Northwestern Tibetan Plateau. The Chongce ice cores were dated back to 7 ka BP by a two-parameter flow model (2p model) constrained by the AMS 14C ages. The δ18O measurements were performed at Nanjing University by a Wavelength Scanned Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer (WS-CRDS, model: Picarro L2120-i), with the analytical uncertainty of less than 0.1‰. Our reconstructed temperature record shows a long-term warming trend until ~2 ka BP, followed by an abrupt change to a relatively cool period until the start of the industrial-era warming. In addition, the record shows that temperatures during the recent decades are almost the highest during the past 7 ka BP, highlighting the unusual warming forced by anthropogenic greenhouse gases.
Hongxi Pang
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