This data set is output from WRF model. The data include ‘LU_INDEX’ (land use category), ‘ZNU’(eta values on half (mass) levels), ‘ZNW’(eta values on full (w) levels),’ZS’(depths of centers of soil layers), ‘DZS’ (thicknesses of soil layers), ‘VAR_SSO’ (variance of subgrid-scale orography), ‘U’(x-wind component), ‘V’(y-wind component),’W’(z-wind component),’T’(perturbation potential temperature (theta-t0)), ‘Q2’ ('QV at 2 M), ‘T2’ (TEMP at 2 M), ‘TH2’ ('POT TEMP at 2 M), ‘PSFC’ (SFC pressure), ‘U10’ (U at 10 M), ‘V10’ (V at 10 M), ‘QVAPOR’ (Water vapor mixing ratio), ‘QLOUD’ (Cloud water mixing ratio),’QRAIN’ (Rain water mixing ratio), ‘QICE’ (Ice mixing ratio), ‘QSNOW’ (Snow mixing ratio), ‘SHDMAX’ (annual max veg fraction), ‘SHDMIN’ (annual min veg fraction), ‘SNOALB’ (annual max snow albedo in fraction), ‘TSLB’ (soil temperature), ‘SMOIS’ (soil moisture), ‘GRDFLX’ (ground heat flux), ‘LAI’ (Leaf area index),’ HGT’ (Terrain Height), ‘TSK’ (surface skin temperature), ‘SWDOWN’ (downward short wave flux at ground surface), ‘GLW’ (downward long wave flux at ground surface), ‘HFX’ (upward heat flux at the surface), ‘QFX’ (upward moisture flux at the surface), ‘LH’ (latent heat flux at the surface), ‘SNOWC’ (flag indicating snow coverage (1 for snow cover)), and so on. The data is in netCDF format with a spatial resolution of 10 km.
Xuelong Chen
中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院 0931-4967287关注我们
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