植被覆盖度(Fractional vegetation cover, FVC)表示植被地面垂直投影面积与研究区总面积的百分比,是衡量生态保护和生态恢复有效性的重要指标,被广泛应用于气候、生态和土壤侵蚀等领域。FVC不仅是反映植被生产能力的理想参数,而且在评估地形差异、气候变化和区域生态环境质量时也能发挥较好的作用。本研究工作主要是对两套GLASS FVC数据进行后处理,通过数据融合、剔除异常值和剪裁后给出较为可靠的2013年和2018年的环北极圈(范围为北纬66°以北)和青藏高原(范围为北纬26°到39.85°,东经73.45°到104.65°)的植被覆盖度情况。
NDVI能反映出植物冠层的背景影响,如土壤、潮湿地面、雪、枯叶、粗糙度等,且与植被覆盖有关。是反映农作物长势和营养信息的重要参数之一。根据该参数,可以知道不同季节的农作物对氮的需求量, 对合理施用氮肥具有重要的指导作用。植被修正指数Correct NDVI (C-NDVI) 是剔除气候要素(气温、降水等)对NDVI的影响后的NDVI的值。以降水为例,降水对植被生长影响的滞后效应的研究表明,不同地区由于植被组成和土壤类型的差异,降水影响的滞后时间不同。本研究工作主要是对MODIS NDVI数据进行后处理,首先将当月NDVI值与本月的降水量、本月与上月的降水量的平均值、本月与上两个月的降水量的平均值等分别进行相关分析,确定最优的滞后时间。将NDVI与降水和气温做回归分析,得到相关的系数,然后通过MODIS NDVI与气候因子回归的NDVI的差值计算出校正的NDVI值。我们利用气候数据对NDVI进行修正后给出可靠的2013年和2018年的环北极圈(范围为北纬66°以北)和青藏高原(范围为北纬26°到39.85°,东经73.45°到104.65°)的植被修正指数。数据空间分辨率为0.5度,时间分辨率为月度值。
数据集包括: 1、permaice(冻土类型图) 2、subsea(海底界线矢量图)3、treeline(林线矢量图)4、nhipa(栅格图)5、llipa(栅格图) Permaice包括属性字段:Num_code(冻土属性编码) Combo(冻土属性)extent(冻土范围)content(含冰量) 属性对照如下:(1)冻土属性对照表: 0 (No information ) 1 - chf (Continuous permafrost extent with high ground ice content and thick overburden) 2 - dhf (Discontinuous permafrost extent with high ground ice content and thick overburden ) 3 - shf (Sporadic permafrost extent with high ground ice content and thick overburden ) 4 - ihf (Isolated patches of permafrost extent with high ground ice content and thick overburden ) 5 - cmf (Continuous permafrost extent with medium ground ice content and thick overburden ) 6 - dmf (Discontinuous permafrost extent with medium ground ice content and thick overburden ) 7 - smf (Sporadic permafrost extent with medium ground ice content and thick overburden ) 8 - imf (Isolated patches of permafrost extent with medium ground ice content and thick overburden) 9 - clf (Continuous permafrost extent with low ground ice content and thick overburden ) 10 - dlf (Discontinuous permafrost extent with low ground ice content and thick overburden ) 11 - slf (Sporadic permafrost extent with low ground ice content and thick overburden ) 12 - ilf (Isolated patches of permafrost extent with low ground ice content and thick overburden) 13 - chr (Continuous permafrost extent with high ground ice content and thin overburden and exposed bedrock ) 14 - dhr (Discontinuous permafrost extent with high ground ice content and thin overburden and exposed bedrock ) 15 - shr (Sporadic permafrost extent with high ground ice content and thin overburden and exposed bedrock ) 16 - ihr (Isolated patches of permafrost extent with high ground ice content and thin overburden and exposed bedrock) 17 - clr (Continuous permafrost extent with low ground ice content and thin overburden and exposed bedrock ) 18 - dlr (Discontinuous permafrost extent with low ground ice content and thin overburden and exposed bedrock ) 19 - slr (Sporadic permafrost extent with low ground ice content and thin overburden and exposed bedrock) 20 - ilr (Isolated patches of permafrost extent with low ground ice content and thin overburden and exposed bedrock ) 21 - g (Glaciers) 22 - r (Relict permafrost) 23 - l (Inland lakes ) 24 - o (Ocean/inland seas ) 25 - ld (Land) (2)冻土范围对照表 c = continuous (90-100%) d = discontinuous (50- 90%) s = sporadic (10- 50%) i = isolated patches ( 0 - 10%) (3)含冰量对照表 h = high (>20% for "f" landform codes) (>10% for "r" landform codes) m = medium (10-20%) l = low (0-10%) ------------------------------------------------------------ Projection of the shapefiles is: PROJCS["Sphere_ARC_INFO_Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area", GEOGCS["GCS_Sphere_ARC_INFO", DATUM["Sphere_ARC_INFO", SPHEROID["Sphere_ARC_INFO",6370997.0,0.0]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0], UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]], PROJECTION["Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area"], PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0], PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0], PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",180.0], PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",90.0], UNIT["Meter",1.0]] Projection for the raster (*.byte) files is: Projection: Lambert Azimuthal Units: meters Spheroid: defined Major Axis: 6371228.00000 Minor Axis: 6371228.000 Parameters: radius of the sphere of reference: 6371228.00000 longitude of center of projection: 0 latitude of center of projection: 90 false easting (meters): 0.00000 false northing (meters): 0.00000
O. Ferrians, J. A. Heginbottom, E. Melnikov, Tingjun Zhang, 冉有华
中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院 0931-4967287 poles@itpcas.ac.cn关注我们
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