首页 / 数据产品 / 按文献浏览 / Influence of aerosols and surface reflectance on satellite NO2 retrieval: seasonal and spatial characteristics and implications for NOx emission constraints

Influence of aerosols and surface reflectance on satellite NO2 retrieval: seasonal and spatial characteristics and implications for NOx emission constraints


Lin, J.T*., Liu, M.Y., Xin, J.Y., Boersma, K.F., Spurr, R., Martin, R., & Zhang, Q. (2015). Influence of aerosols and surface reflectance on satellite NO2 retrieval: seasonal and spatial characteristics and implications for NOx emission constraints, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 11217-11241, doi:10.5194/acp-15-11217-2015


Influence of aerosols and surface reflectance on satellite NO2 retrieval: seasonal and spatial characteristics and implications for NOx emission constraints

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