首页 / 数据产品 / 按文献浏览 / Paleoproterozoic (1.96–1.86 Ga) granites in Xinyang record zoned deep crustal structure and multi-stage reworking beneath the southern North China Craton

Paleoproterozoic (1.96–1.86 Ga) granites in Xinyang record zoned deep crustal structure and multi-stage reworking beneath the southern North China Craton


Ai, L., Ping, X.Q., Zheng, J.P., Su, Y.P., Ma, Q., Wang, X.L. (2020). Paleoproterozoic (1.96–1.86 Ga) granites in Xinyang record zoned deep crustal structure and multi-stage reworking beneath the southern North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 355, 106079.


Paleoproterozoic (1.96–1.86 Ga) granites in Xinyang record zoned deep crustal structure and multi-stage reworking beneath the southern North China Craton

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