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On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm


Reichstein, M., Falge, E., Baldocchi, D., Papale, D., Aubinet, M., Berbigier, P., Bernhofer, C., Buchmann, N., Gilmanov, T., Granier, A., Grunwald, T., Havrankova, K., Ilvesniemi, H., Janous, D., Knohl, A., Laurila, T., Lohila, A., Loustau, D., Matteucci, G., Meyers, T., Miglietta, F., Ourcival, J.-m., Pumpanen, J., Rambal, S., Rotenberg, E., Sanz, M., Tenhunen, J., Seufert, G., Vaccari, F., Vesala, T., Yakir, D., and valentini, R. (20050. On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm, Global Change Biology, 11, 1424–1439, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.001002.x.


On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm

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