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AIMERG: a new Asian precipitation dataset (0.1◦/half-hourly, 2000–2015) by calibrating the GPM-era IMERG at a daily scale using APHRODITE


Ma, Z.Q., Xu, J.T., Zhu, S.Y., Yang, J., Tang, G.Q., Yang, Y.J., Shi, Z., and Hong, Y. (2020). AIMERG: a new Asian precipitation dataset (0.1°/half-hourly, 2000–2015) by calibrating the GPM-era IMERG at a daily scale using APHRODITE, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 1525–1544, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-1525-2020.


AIMERG: a new Asian precipitation dataset (0.1◦/half-hourly, 2000–2015) by calibrating the GPM-era IMERG at a daily scale using APHRODITE

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