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Boron and molybdenum isotopic fractionation during crustal anatexis: Constraints from the Conadong leucogranites in the Himalayan Block, South Tibet


Fan, J.J., Wang, Q., Li, J., Wei, G.J., Ma, J.L., Ma, L., Li, Q.W., Jiang, Z.Q., Zhang, L., Wang, Z.L., Zhang, L. (2021). Boron and molybdenum isotopic fractionation during crustal anatexis: Constraints from the Conadong leucogranites in the Himalayan Block, South Tibet. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Accepted.


Boron and molybdenum isotopic fractionation during crustal anatexis: Constraints from the Conadong leucogranites in the Himalayan Block, South Tibet

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