本数据为东南亚地区2015年的地表类型数据,空间分辨率为30米,数据类型为NetCDF,变量名为“land cover type”。该数据基于FROM-GLC数据加工而成,通过对原始影像的拼接、裁剪得到覆盖东南亚的地表类型数据,剔除东南亚地区不存在的雪冰等下垫面类型并重新整合图例。修改下垫面类型编码生成包含东南亚的地表类型数据。该数据提供耕地、森林、草地、灌木、湿地、水体、不透水面、及裸地共8种下垫面的信息。数据总体精度为71% (Gong et al., 2019),可为水文模型、区域气候模式等提供东南亚地区的下垫面信息。
Accurate estimation of the gross primary production (GPP) of terrestrial vegetation is vital for understanding the global carbon cycle and predicting future climate change. Multiple GPP products are currently available based on different methods, but their performances vary substantially when validated against GPP estimates from eddy covariance data. This paper provides a new GPP dataset at moderate spatial (500 m) and temporal (8-day) resolutions over the entire globe for 2000–2016. This GPP dataset is based on an improved light use efficiency theory and is driven by satellite data from MODIS and climate data from NCEP Reanalysis II. It also employs a state-of-the-art vegetation index (VI) gap-filling and smoothing algorithm and a separate treatment for C3/C4 photosynthesis pathways. All these improvements aim to solve several critical problems existing in current GPP products. With a satisfactory performance when validated against in situ GPP estimates, this dataset offers an alternative GPP estimate for regional to global carbon cycle studies.
Satellite-retrieved solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has shown great potential to monitor the photosynthetic activity of terrestrial ecosystems. However, several issues, including low spatial and temporal resolution of the gridded datasets and high uncertainty of the individual retrievals, limit the applications of SIF. In addition, inconsistency in measurement footprints also hinders the direct comparison between gross primary production (GPP) from eddy covariance (EC) flux towers and satellite-retrieved SIF. In this study, by training a neural network (NN) with surface reflectance from the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and SIF from Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2), we generated two global spatially contiguous SIF (CSIF) datasets at moderate spatiotemporal (0.05∘ 4-day) resolutions during the MODIS era, one for clear-sky conditions (2000–2017) and the other one in all-sky conditions (2000–2016). The clear-sky instantaneous CSIF (CSIFclear-inst) shows high accuracy against the clear-sky OCO-2 SIF and little bias across biome types. The all-sky daily average CSIF (CSIFall-daily) dataset exhibits strong spatial, seasonal and interannual dynamics that are consistent with daily SIF from OCO-2 and the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2). An increasing trend (0.39 %) of annual average CSIFall-daily is also found, confirming the greening of Earth in most regions. Since the difference between satellite-observed SIF and CSIF is mostly caused by the environmental down-regulation on SIFyield, the ratio between OCO-2 SIF and CSIFclear-inst can be an effective indicator of drought stress that is more sensitive than the normalized difference vegetation index and enhanced vegetation index. By comparing CSIFall-daily with GPP estimates from 40 EC flux towers across the globe, we find a large cross-site variation (c.v. = 0.36) of the GPP–SIF relationship with the highest regression slopes for evergreen needleleaf forest. However, the cross-biome variation is relatively limited (c.v. = 0.15). These two contiguous SIF datasets and the derived GPP–SIF relationship enable a better understanding of the spatial and temporal variations of the GPP across biomes and climate.
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