青藏高原是世界上最大的高、低纬度多年冻土带,近几十年来,其多年冻土带迅速退化,其最显著的特征之一就是热融湖塘的形成。这样的湖泊由于能够调节碳循环、水和能量通量而引起了极大的关注。然而,这一地区的热融湖塘的分布在很大程度上仍不为人所知,这阻碍了我们对多年冻土的响应及其碳反馈对气候变化的理解。本数据集基于200余景Sentinel-2A影像,结合ArcGIS、NDWI和Google Earth Engine平台,通过GEE自动提取和人工目视解译的方法提提取青藏高原多年冻土区内热融湖塘边界。在2018年热融湖塘数据集中,青藏高原多年冻土区共有121,758个热融湖塘,面积为0.00035-0.5 km²,总面积为1730 km² 。本次热融湖塘编目数据集为青藏高原水资源评价、多年冻土退化评价、热喀斯特研究提供了基础数据。
陈旭, 牟翠翠, 贾麟, 李志龙, 范成彦, 母梅, 彭小清, 吴晓东
本数据集为青藏高原地区2005、2010、2015、2017、2018年逐日0.01°×0.01°地表土壤水分产品。采用多元统计回归模型,通过对“青藏高原地区SMAP时间扩展0.25°×0.25°地表土壤水分数据(SMsmapTE, V1)”进行降尺度,得到0.01°×0.01°地表土壤水分产品。参与多元统计回归的数据包括GLASS Albedo/LAI/FVC,周纪-中国西部1km全天候地表温度数据(V1),以及经/纬度等信息。
柴琳娜, 朱忠礼, 刘绍民
本数据集为基于SMAP时间扩展方法生产的青藏高原地区0.25°×0.25°地表土壤水分产品。即采用随机森林方法,利用被动微波亮温数据及相关辅助数据,实现对SMAP L3级地表土壤水分产品的时间扩展。其中,1980、1985、1990、1995和2000年为逐月产品,使用SMMR,SSM/I和SSMIS 19 GHz V/H及37 GHz V三个通道的亮温数据。2002年6月20日至2018年12月30日为逐日产品,使用AMSR-E和AMSR2 6.925 GHz V/H,10.65 GHz V/H及36.5 GHz V五个通道的亮温数据。 参与训练随机森林模型的辅助数据包括IGBP地表分类数据,GTOPO30 DEM数据以及经/纬度等信息。
柴琳娜, 朱忠礼, 刘绍民
Snow is a significant component of the ecosystem and water resources in high-mountain Asia (HMA). Therefore, accurate, continuous, and long-term snow monitoring is indispensable for the water resources management and economic development. The present study improves the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Terra and Aqua satellites 8 d (“d” denotes “day”) composite snow cover Collection 6 (C6) products, named MOD10A2.006 (Terra) and MYD10A2.006 (Aqua), for HMA with a multistep approach. The primary purpose of this study was to reduce uncertainty in the Terra–Aqua MODIS snow cover products and generate a combined snow cover product. For reducing underestimation mainly caused by cloud cover, we used seasonal, temporal, and spatial filters. For reducing overestimation caused by MODIS sensors, we combined Terra and Aqua MODIS snow cover products, considering snow only if a pixel represents snow in both the products; otherwise it is classified as no snow, unlike some previous studies which consider snow if any of the Terra or Aqua product identifies snow. Our methodology generates a new product which removes a significant amount of uncertainty in Terra and Aqua MODIS 8 d composite C6 products comprising 46 % overestimation and 3.66 % underestimation, mainly caused by sensor limitations and cloud cover, respectively. The results were validated using Landsat 8 data, both for winter and summer at 20 well-distributed sites in the study area. Our validated adopted methodology improved accuracy by 10 % on average, compared to Landsat data. The final product covers the period from 2002 to 2018, comprising a combination of snow and glaciers created by merging Randolph Glacier Inventory version 6.0 (RGI 6.0) separated as debris-covered and debris-free with the final snow product MOYDGL06*. We have processed approximately 746 images of both Terra and Aqua MODIS snow containing approximately 100 000 satellite individual images. Furthermore, this product can serve as a valuable input dataset for hydrological and glaciological modelling to assess the melt contribution of snow-covered areas. The data, which can be used in various climatological and water-related studies, are available for end users at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.901821 (Muhammad and Thapa, 2019).
Sher Muhammad
本数据集采用SMMR(1979-1987)、SSM/I(1987-2009)和SSMIS(2009-2015)逐日亮温数据,由双指标(TB_37v,SG)冻融判别算法生成,分类结果包含冻结地表、融化地表、沙漠及水体四种类型。数据覆盖范围为三江源区域,空间分辨率为25.067525 km,EASE Grid投影方式,以Geotif格式存储。像元数值表征地表冻融的状态:1代表冻结,2代表融化,3代表沙漠,4代表水体。因为该数据集中所有tif文件描述的是三江源国家公园范围,所以这些文件的行列号信息是不变的,摘录如下(其中cellsize单位为m): ncols 52 nrows 28 cellsize 25067.525 nodata_value 0
本数据集来源于中国长时间序列雪深数据集,利用三江源边界进行提取形成三江源雪深数据集。取值范围:0-100 cm。时间分辨率:逐日。空间分辨率为0.25 度(约25km),时间范围是1980年1月1日至2020年12月31日。雪深数据基于星载被动微波遥感数据生产,使用了三个不同的被动微波传感器数据,它们分别是SMMR,SSM/I和SSMI/S。由于不同的传感器之间存在一定的系统偏差,因此,首先对不同传感器的数据进行了交叉订正,然后再基于被动微波亮度温度梯度法制作中国长时间序列雪深数据集。头文件信息可参考数据集header.txt。
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