三江源国家公园位于地球“第三极”青藏高原腹地,由长江源园区、黄河源园区、澜沧江源园区组成,总面积为12.31万平方公里。三江源国家公园遥感积雪结束日期数据产品是基于中国2000-2020年逐日无云500 m积雪面积产品,依据积雪初日为一个水文年中最后一次出现连续5天是雪的终日对应日期计算得到,其中水文年为每年的9月1日到次年的8月31日。数据格式是TIFF,数据投影为WGS84投影,分辨率是500m。积雪日数取值范围为1~365天或者366天,无效值为0,其中1表示9月1日,依次类推具体日期。
Snow is a significant component of the ecosystem and water resources in high-mountain Asia (HMA). Therefore, accurate, continuous, and long-term snow monitoring is indispensable for the water resources management and economic development. The present study improves the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Terra and Aqua satellites 8 d (“d” denotes “day”) composite snow cover Collection 6 (C6) products, named MOD10A2.006 (Terra) and MYD10A2.006 (Aqua), for HMA with a multistep approach. The primary purpose of this study was to reduce uncertainty in the Terra–Aqua MODIS snow cover products and generate a combined snow cover product. For reducing underestimation mainly caused by cloud cover, we used seasonal, temporal, and spatial filters. For reducing overestimation caused by MODIS sensors, we combined Terra and Aqua MODIS snow cover products, considering snow only if a pixel represents snow in both the products; otherwise it is classified as no snow, unlike some previous studies which consider snow if any of the Terra or Aqua product identifies snow. Our methodology generates a new product which removes a significant amount of uncertainty in Terra and Aqua MODIS 8 d composite C6 products comprising 46 % overestimation and 3.66 % underestimation, mainly caused by sensor limitations and cloud cover, respectively. The results were validated using Landsat 8 data, both for winter and summer at 20 well-distributed sites in the study area. Our validated adopted methodology improved accuracy by 10 % on average, compared to Landsat data. The final product covers the period from 2002 to 2018, comprising a combination of snow and glaciers created by merging Randolph Glacier Inventory version 6.0 (RGI 6.0) separated as debris-covered and debris-free with the final snow product MOYDGL06*. We have processed approximately 746 images of both Terra and Aqua MODIS snow containing approximately 100 000 satellite individual images. Furthermore, this product can serve as a valuable input dataset for hydrological and glaciological modelling to assess the melt contribution of snow-covered areas. The data, which can be used in various climatological and water-related studies, are available for end users at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.901821 (Muhammad and Thapa, 2019).
Sher Muhammad
本数据集是基于MODIS数据进行处理和分析后得到,通过改进不同下垫面下的不同积雪提取算法,提高了积雪范围识别精度,同时利用隐马尔科夫去云算法和SSM/I雪水当量结合,最终生成完全无云的逐日积雪面积产品。取值范围: 1:积雪;0 非积雪。空间分辨率为0.005 度(约500m),时间范围是2000年2月24日至2019年12月31日。 数据格式为geotiff,推荐使用Arcmap或python +GDAL打开和处理数据
本数据集来源于中国长时间序列雪深数据集,利用三江源边界进行提取形成三江源雪深数据集。取值范围:0-100 cm。时间分辨率:逐日。空间分辨率为0.25 度(约25km),时间范围是1980年1月1日至2020年12月31日。雪深数据基于星载被动微波遥感数据生产,使用了三个不同的被动微波传感器数据,它们分别是SMMR,SSM/I和SSMI/S。由于不同的传感器之间存在一定的系统偏差,因此,首先对不同传感器的数据进行了交叉订正,然后再基于被动微波亮度温度梯度法制作中国长时间序列雪深数据集。头文件信息可参考数据集header.txt。
青藏高原平均海拔4000m以上,是北半球中低纬度海拔最高、积雪覆盖最大的地区。积雪不仅是青藏高原季节性变化最大的下垫面和重要的生态环境组成要素,冰雪融水是高原及其下游地区重要的水资源。同时,高原积雪作为一种重要的陆面强迫因子,与东亚、南亚季风以及长江中下游的旱涝等灾害性天气紧密相关,是短期气候预测的重要指示因子和全球气候变化最为敏感的响应因子之一。积雪深度是指积雪表面到地面的垂直深度,是表征积雪特征的重要参数和常规气象观测要素之一,是估算雪水当量、研究积雪气候效应、流域水量平衡和融雪径流模拟以及监测和 评估雪灾发生和等级划分的重要参数。 在本数据集中,青藏高原边界采用了以自然地貌为主导因素,同时综合考虑海拔高度、高原面和山地完整性原则确定的高原范围。高原主体部分在西藏自治区和青海省,面积257.2万km²,约占我国陆地总面积的26.8%。雪深观测数据是经过质量检测和质量控制的逐月最大雪深资料。研究范围内共有102个气象站,多数始建于20世纪50-70年代,部分站点在这一时期存在有,些月份或年份缺测情况,最后采用了1961-2013年有完整观测记录的时间。时间分辨率为逐日,覆盖范围为青藏高原,其所有数据进行了质量控制。准确而详实的高原雪深数据对气候变化诊断、亚洲季风的演变和区域融雪水资源的管理具有重要意义。
国家气象信息中心, 西藏自治区气象局
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