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Parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis of SWAT model in upper reaches of the Heihe river basin


Li, Z. , Xu, Z. , Shao, Q. , & Yang, J. . (2009). Parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis of swat model in upper reaches of the heihe river basin. Hydrological Processes, 23(19), 2744-2753.


Parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis of SWAT model in upper reaches of the Heihe river basin

年份 2009

Hydrological Processes


Heihe river basin, the second largest inland river basin in China, has attracted more attention in China due to the ever increasing water resources and eco-environmental problems. In this article, SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool; http://www.brc.tamus.edu/swat/) model was applied to upper reaches of the basin for better understanding of the hydrological process over the watershed. Parameter uncertainty and its contribution on model simulation are the main foci. In model calibration, the aggregate parameters instead of the original parameters in SWAT model were used to reduce the computing effort. The Bayesian approach was employed for parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis because its posterior distribution provides not only parameter estimation but also uncertainty analysis without normality assumption. The results indicated that: (1) SWAT model performs satisfactorily in this watershed as a whole, although some low and high flows were under- or overestimated, particularly in dry (e.g. 1991) and wet (e.g. 1996) years; (2) all calibrated parameters were not normally distributed (essentially positively or negatively skewed) and the parameter uncertainties were relatively small; and (3) the contributions of parameter uncertainty on model simulation uncertainty were relatively small. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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