
Through incremental integration and independent research and development, build a method library of big data quality control, automatic modeling and analysis, data mining and interactive visualization, form a tool library with high reliability, high scalability, high efficiency and high fault tolerance, realize the integration and sharing of collaborative analysis methods of multi-source heterogeneous, multi-granularity, multi-phase, long-time series big data in three pole environment, as well as high Efficient and online big data analysis and processing.

  • Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

    The nearest neighbors algorithm (k-NN) is a non-parametric method used for classification and regression. In both cases, the input consists of the k closest training examples in the feature space. 

    Installation: online;

    Dependent libraries: sklearn;

    QR code:

    2788 2019-10-15 View Details

  • Apriori

    Apriori is an algorithm for frequent item set mining and association rule learning over relational databases. It proceeds by identifying the frequent individual items in the database and extending them to larger and larger item sets as long as those item sets appear sufficiently often in the database.

    Installation: online;

    Dependent libraries: sklearn;

    QR code:

    3088 2019-10-15 View Details

  • Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

    Compared with other deep learning structures, convolutional neural network can give better results in image and speech recognition. Compared with other deep and feedforward neural networks, convolutional neural networks need less parameters to estimate, which makes it an attractive deep learning structure.

    1864 2022-06-15 View Details

  • Random Forests

    Random forests or random decision forests are an ensemble learning method for classification, regression and other tasks that operates by constructing a multitude of decision trees at training time and outputting the class that is the mode of the classes (classification) or mean prediction (regression) of the individual tree.

    Installation: online;

    Dependent libraries: sklearn;

    QR code:

    5973 2019-10-20 View Details

  • Restricted Boltzmann Machine

    A restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) is a generative stochastic artificial neural network that can learn a probability distribution over its set of inputs.

    Installation: online;

    Dependent libraries: sklearn;

    QR code:

    3419 2019-10-16 View Details

  • Principal Component Analysis

    Principal component analysis (PCA) is a statistical procedure that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables (entities each of which takes on various numerical values) into a set of values of linearly uncorrelated variables called principal components.

    Installation: online;

    Dependent libraries: sklearn;

    QR code:

    3562 2019-10-17 View Details

  • Non-Local Means (NLM)

    Non-Local means is an improved filtering to the traditional neighborhood filtering method. Considering the self similarity of the image, it makes full use of the redundant information in the image and can maintain the details of the image to the greatest extent while denoising.

    1562 2022-06-15 View Details

  • Gradient Boosting Machines

    Gradient boosting machine is a machine learning technique for regression and classification problems, which produces a prediction model in the form of an ensemble of weak prediction models, typically decision trees.

    Installation: online;

    Dependent libraries: sklearn;

    QR code:

    4050 2019-10-23 View Details

  • K-means Clustering

    The K-means algorithm identifies k number of centroids, and then allocates every data point to the nearest cluster, while keeping the centroids as small as possible.

    Installation: online;

    Dependent libraries: sklearn;

    QR code:

    2948 2019-10-18 View Details

  • Logistic Regression

    Logistic regression is a statistical model that in its basic form uses a logistic function to model a binary dependent variable.

    Installation: online;

    Dependent libraries: sklearn;

    QR code:

    6225 2019-10-17 View Details