首页 / 数据产品 / 按文献浏览 / Spatial and temporal variations in water temperature in a high-altitude deep dimictic mountain lake (Nam Co), central Tibetan Plateau

Spatial and temporal variations in water temperature in a high-altitude deep dimictic mountain lake (Nam Co), central Tibetan Plateau


Wang, J., Huang, L., Ju, J., Daut, G., Wang, Y., Ma, Q., Zhu, L., Haberzettl, T., Baade, J., Mäusbacher, R. (2019). Spatial and temporal variations in water temperature in a high-altitude deep dimictic mountain lake (Nam Co), central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Great Lakes Research 45, 212-223.


Spatial and temporal variations in water temperature in a high-altitude deep dimictic mountain lake (Nam Co), central Tibetan Plateau

年份 2019
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