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Simulated forcing dataset of 3km/6hour in Heihe River basin (1980-2080)

Ec-earth-heihe USES the output of the global model of ec-earth as the driving field to simulate the 6-hour data of the Heihe river basin in 2006-2080 under the scenarios of 1980-2005 and RCP4.5.Spatial scope: the grid center of the simulation area is located at (40.30n, 99.50e), the horizontal resolution is 3 km, and the number of simulated grid points in the model is 161 (meridional) X 201 (zonal). Projection: LAMBERT conformal projection, two standard latitudes of 30N and 60N. Time range: from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 2010, with an interval of 6 hours. Description of file contents: monthly storage by grads without format.Except the maximum and minimum temperature as the daily scale, the other variables are all 6-hour data. MATLAB can be used to read, visible tmax_erain_xiong_heihe.m file description. Data description of heihe river basin: 1) Anemometer west wind (m/s) abbreviation usurf 2) Anemometer south wind(m/s), abbreviation vsurf 3) Anemometer temperature (deg K) abbreviation tsurf 4) maximal temperature (deg K) abbreviation tmax 5) minimal temperature (deg K) abbreviated tmin 6) Anemom specific humidity (g/kg) abbreviation qsurf 7) Accumulated precipitation (mm/hr) abbreviation precip 8) Accumulated evaporation (mm/hr) abbreviation evap 9) Accumulated sensible heat (watts/m**2/hr) abbreviation sensible 10) Accumulated net infrared radiation (watts/m * * 2 / hr) abbreviation netrad File name definition: Abbreviation-ec-earth-6hour,YTD For example, precip-ec-earth-6hour.198001,Is the data of 6-hour precipitation in January, 1980 (1) historical 6-hour data driven by the ec-earth global climate model from 1980 to 2005 (2) produce 6-hour data of heihe river basin under the scenario of RCP 4.5 for the global climate model ec-earth from 2006 to 2080


Meteorological, albedo and evapotranspiration data set of hulugou shrub experimental area in the upper reaches of Heihe River (2012-2014)

The data set is the meteorological and observational data of hulugou shrub experimental area in the upper reaches of Heihe River, including meteorological data, albedo data and evapotranspiration data under shrubs. 1. Meteorological data: Qilian station longitude: 99 ° 52 ′ E; latitude: 38 ° 15 ′ n; altitude: 3232.3m, scale meteorological data from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013. Observation items include: temperature, humidity, vapor pressure, net radiation, four component radiation, etc. The data are daily scale data, and the calculation period is 0:00-24:00 2. Albedo: daily surface albedo data from January 1, 2012 to July 3, 2014, including snow and non snow periods. The measuring instrument is the radiation instrument on the 10m gradient tower in hulugou watershed. Among them, the data from August 4 to October 2, 2012 was missing due to instrument circuit problems, and the rest data quality was good 3. Evapotranspiration: surface evapotranspiration data of Four Typical Shrub Communities in hulugou watershed. The observation period is from July 18 to August 5, 2014, which is the daily scale data. The data include precipitation data, evaporation and infiltration data observed by lysimeter. The data set can be used to analyze the evapotranspiration data of alpine shrubs and forests. The evapotranspiration of grassland under canopy was measured by a small lysimeter with a diameter of 25 cm and a depth of 30 cm. Two lysimeters were set up in each shrub plot, and one lysimeter was set for each shrub in transplanting experiment. The undisturbed undisturbed soil column with the same height as the barrel is placed in the inner bucket, and the outer bucket is buried in the soil. During the embedding, the outer bucket shall be 0.5-1.0 cm higher than the ground, and the outer edge of the inner barrel shall be designed with a rainproof board about 2.0 cm wide to prevent surface runoff from entering the lysimeter. Lysimeter was set up in the nearby meteorological stations to measure grassland evapotranspiration, and a small lysimeter with an inner diameter of 25 cm and a depth of 30 cm was also set up in the sample plot of Picea crassifolia forest to measure the evaporation under the forest. All lysimeters are weighed at 20:00 every day (the electronic balance has a sensing capacity of 1.0 g, which is equivalent to 0.013 mm evaporation). Wind proof treatment should be taken to ensure the accuracy of measurement. Data processing method: evapotranspiration is mainly calculated by mass conservation in lysimeter method. According to the design principle of lysimeter lysimeter, evapotranspiration is mainly determined by the quality difference in two consecutive days. Since it is weighed every day, it is calculated by water balance.


Precipitation during the growing season in Pailougou watershed (2011-2013)

Precipitation is one of the elements of meteorological monitoring and a measurement basis of regional precipitation. Precipitation is the only source of water for plants’ survival in mountain areas. Therefore, precipitation is the main link of the forest hydrological cycle. This data only provides precipitation of the Pailugou watershed during the growing season.


Wind snow data of dadongshuyakou observation station in Heihe River basin (2014)

This data includes the distribution along the height of the blowing snow flux collected during the wind-blown snow event at the big winter tree pass observation station (longitude 100 degrees 14 minutes 28 seconds east and latitude 38 degrees 00 minutes 58 seconds north) on December 17, 2013 at solstice on July 9, 2014.


Canopy interception dataset of Picea crassifolia in Tianlaochi watershed of Qilian Mountain

The data are from 2011 to 2012. A 30m×30m Picea crassifolia canopy interception sample plot was set up in the Picea crassifolia sample plot at an altitude of 2800m m. A siphon raingauge model DSJ2 (Tianjin Meteorological Instrument Factory) was set up on the open land of the river about 50m from the sample plot to observe the rainfall outside the forest and its characteristics. Penetrating rain in the forest adopts a combination of manual observation and automatic observation. Automatic observation is mainly realized through a penetrating rain collection system arranged in the interception sample plot, which consists of a water collecting tank and an automatic recorder. Two 400cm×20cm water collecting tanks are connected with DSJ2 siphon rain gauge, and the change characteristics of penetrating rain under the forest are continuously recorded by an automatic recorder. Due to the spatial variability of the canopy structure of Picea crassifolia forest in the sample plot, a standard rainfall tube for manual observation is also arranged in the sample plot to observe the penetrating rain in the forest. Ninety rainfall tubes with a diameter of 20cm are arranged in the sample plot at intervals of 3m. After each precipitation event ends and the penetrating rain in the forest stops, the amount of water in the rain barrel will be emptied and the penetrating rain in the barrel will be measured with the rain cup.


Dataset of water level at the Sidalong Sub-Basin in Qilian Mountain (2011)

This data is the water level data of 2011-2012, which is observed by water level recorder. From July 14 to September 9, 2011, the observation was recordered every five minutes; from June 4 to July 10, 2012, the observation was recordered every ten minutes. The data content is the temperature and atmospheric pressure inside the hole, and the data is the daily scale data. The data shall be opened with HOBO software.


Dataset of automatic meteorological observations at the Sub-Basin in Qilian Mountain (2011-2012)

The data set contains observation data from the Tianlaochi small watershed automatic weather station. The latitude and longitude of the station are 38.43N, 99.93E, and the altitude is 3100m. Observed items are time, average wind speed (m/s), maximum wind speed (m/s), 40-60cm soil moisture, 0-20 soil moisture, 20-40 soil moisture, air pressure, PAR, air temperature, relative humidity, and dew point temperature , Solar radiation, total precipitation, 20-40 soil temperature, 0-20 soil temperature, 40-60 soil temperature. The observation period is from May 25, 2011 to September 11, 2012, and all parameter data are compiled on a daily scale.


Evapotranspiration dataset of small lysimeter for sample plot in Tianlaochi watershed, Sidalong Forest Region, Qilian Mountain (June to September 2012)

This data comes from the Tianlaochi watershed sample plot. The vegetation types of the sample plot are grassland, shrub, Sabina przewalskii and Picea crassifolia. The self-made Lysimeter is mainly used to observe the soil evapotranspiration characteristics in Picea crassifolia forestry. To provide basic data for the development of watershed evapotranspiration model. At about 19:00 every day, an electronic scale with an accuracy of 1g is used to weigh the inner barrel. In case of rain, observe whether there is leakage in the leakage barrel. If there is leakage, measure the leakage amount in the leakage barrel as well. The observation period in 2011 is from May 30 to September 10. The observation period in 2012 is from June 11 to September 10. Observation instrument: 1) standard 20cm diameter rain tube rain gauge. 2) self-made lysimeter (diameter 30.5cm, barrel height 28.5). 3) Electronic balance (accuracy: 0.1g) used to observe the weight change of self-made lysimeter.


Datasets of rainfall characteristics for intceotion of alpine shrubs in Hulu Watershed in the upstream of Heihe River Basin

This data set is the precipitation characteristic data in the precipitation interception data of alpine shrub in hulugou basin in the upper reaches of Heihe River in 2012. The observation date is from October 2, 2011 to September 24, 2012. The observation contents include precipitation, precipitation duration, precipitation intensity and frequency of throughfall. The observation data are recorded by self recording rain gauge and artificial rain gauge.


The meteorological data in Tianlaochi Catchment in Qilian Mountain (2013)

Location of automatic weather station: longitude and latitude 38.43n, 99.93e, altitude 3100m. The observation time is from May 9, 2013 to September 3, 2013, the parameter scale is hourly scale, and the data is recorded in 10min. The observation parameters include average wind speed (M / s), maximum wind speed (M / s), 40-60cm soil moisture, 0-20 soil moisture, 20-40 soil moisture, air pressure, par, air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, total precipitation, 20-40 soil temperature, 0-20 soil temperature, 40-60 soil temperature.
