Current Browsing: Heihe River Basin

The irrigating area and the distribution of the main canal and lateral canal in Heihe River Basin

The distribution map of irrigation area and main and branch canals in Heihe River basin includes the main irrigation area and the distribution of all main and branch canals in Heihe River Basin. The irrigation area mainly includes Luocheng irrigation area, Youlian irrigation area, Liuba irrigation area, Pingchuan irrigation area, liaoquan irrigation area, Liyuan River irrigation area, yannuan irrigation area, Banqiao irrigation area, Shahe irrigation area, Xijun irrigation area, Yingke irrigation area, Daman irrigation area, Maying River irrigation area, shangsan irrigation area, Xinba irrigation area and Hongyazi irrigation area. The distribution map of main and branch canals includes all the main canals and branch canals of these 16 irrigation areas.


Scheme optimization of "97" water diversion curve under the current engineering conditions of Heihe river basin (1957-2010)

According to the principle of optimization of water diversion scheme and the economic, social and ecological development status of Heihe River Basin, the following three optimization schemes of water diversion scheme are proposed. In Scheme 1, the water consumption in the middle reaches is 630 million m3 in each coming year. In Scheme 2, the water consumption in the middle reaches is 180 million m3 and 60 million m3 in 90% and 75% coming years respectively. In Scheme 3, when the water consumption in Yingluo Gorge is more than 1.9 billion m3, the water consumption in excess of 1.9 billion m3 is distributed by 40% in the middle reaches and 60% in the lower reaches. At the same time, in order to maintain the annual average inflow of 1.58 billion m3 from Yingluo Gorge, 950 million m3 from Zhengyi Gorge, and when the inflow of Yingluo Gorge is less than 1.29 billion m3, 60% of the inflow of less than 1.29 billion m3 will be distributed in the middle reaches and 40% in the lower reaches.
