Current Browsing: 2011-2013

Dataset of groundwater level depth and salinity in the Ejina delta (2011-2013)

Automatic monitoring data of groundwater level depth and salinity of three shallow groundwater observation Wells in ejin delta. Data contents include: observation well number, geographical coordinates, description of surface features, buried depth of groundwater level (unit: cm), salinity (unit: mS/cm). In terms of space, the dynamic monitoring of water and salt is set up in desert gobi area, natural oasis area and artificial oasis area in ejin delta, representing three typical underlying surface conditions.Since May 12, 2011, the frequency of observation has been 30 minutes.


The soil heat flux dataset in the lower reaches of Heihe River (2011-2013)

Soil heat flux is an important part of surface energy balance, and it is the basis of energy balance analysis. In 2011-2013, hfp01 was installed at 5cm and 10cm of Tamarix community in the lower reaches of Heihe River to measure soil heat flux, with the frequency of 0.5h.
