Current Browsing: Land Use

1:100,000 Landuse data in the Yellow River Upstream (2000)

Ⅰ. Overview This data set is based on Landsat MSS, TM and ETM Remote sensing data by means of satellite remote sensing. Using a hierarchical land cover classification system, the data divides the whole region into six first-class classifications (cultivated land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural areas, industrial and mining land, residential land and unused land), and 31 second-class classifications. Ⅱ. Data processing description The data set is based on Landsat MSS, TM and ETM Remote sensing data as the base map, the data set projection is set as Alberts equal product projection, the scale is set at 1:24,000 for human-computer interactive visual interpretation, and the data set storage form is ESRI coverage format. Ⅲ. Data content description The data set adopts a hierarchical land cover classification system, which is divided into 6 first-class classifications (cultivated land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural areas, industrial and mining land, residential land and unused land), and 31 second-class classifications. Ⅳ. Data use description The data can be mainly used in national land resources survey, climate change, hydrology and ecological research.


Guangxi Province 1:100000 landuse dataset (1985)

This data comes from "China's 1:100000 land use data". China's 1:100000 land use data is constructed in three years based on LANDSAT MSS, TM and ETM Remote sensing data by means of satellite remote sensing, organized by 19 research institutes affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences under the national macro survey and dynamic research on remote sensing of resources and environment, a major application project of the eighth five year plan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Using a hierarchical land cover classification system, this data divides the whole country into six first-class categories (cultivated land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural areas, industrial and mining land, residential land and unused land), and 31 second-class categories. This is the most accurate land use data product in China, which has played an important role in the national land resource survey, hydrological and ecological research.


1:100000 landuse dataset of Guizhou province (2000)

This data is from "China 1:100,000 land use data".China 1:100,000 land use data was constructed in three years based on Landsat MSS, TM and ETM remote sensing data by using satellite remote sensing as a means to organize remote sensing science and technology teams from 19 institutes affiliated to the Chinese academy of sciences (cas) in the "eighth five-year plan" major application project "national macro survey and dynamic research on remote sensing of resources and environment".The land use data of guizhou province adopts a hierarchical land cover classification system, which divides the country into 6 primary categories (arable land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural areas, industrial and mining areas, residential land and unused land) and 31 secondary categories.It is the most accurate land use data product in China and has played an important role in national land resource survey, hydrological and ecological research.


Landuse/Landcover data of the Heihe river basin (2000)

China 1:100000 data of land use is a major application in the Chinese Academy of Sciences "five-year" project "the national resources and environment remote sensing macroscopic investigation and study of dynamic organized 19 Chinese Academy of Sciences institute of remote sensing science and technology team, by means of satellite remote sensing, in three years based on Landsat MSS, TM and ETM remote sensing data established China 1:100000 images and vector of land use database.The main contents include: China 1:100,000 land use data;China 1:100,000 land use graph data and attribute data. The data was directly clipped from China's 1:100,000 land-use data.A hierarchical land cover classification system was adopted for the land use data of heihe basin of 1:100,000, and the whole basin was divided into 6 primary categories (arable land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural areas, industrial and mining areas, residential land and unused land) and 26 secondary categories.The data type is vector polygon, which is stored in Shape format.There are two types of data projection: WGS84/ALBERS;Data coverage covers the new heihe watershed boundary (lack of outer Mongolia data). Land use classification attributes: The first class type and the second class type attributes encode the spatial distribution position Cultivated paddy field 113 is mainly distributed in alluvial plain, basin and valley Cultivated paddy field 112 distributed in hilly valley narrow valley platform or beach (with irrigation conditions) Cultivated paddy field 111 is mainly distributed in mountain valley narrow valley platform or beach (with better irrigation conditions) Arable land 124 is mainly distributed in mountainous areas, the slope is generally more than 25 degrees (belongs to the steep slope hanging land), should be returned to forest. Cultivated dry land 123 is mainly distributed in basins, piedmont belts, river alluvial, diluvial or lacustrine plains (water shortage and poor irrigation conditions). Cultivated dry land 122 is mainly distributed in hilly areas (shaanxi, gan, ning, qing).In general, the plot is distributed on gentle slopes and x and sockets of hills. Arable land 121 is mainly distributed in the mountainous area, with an elevation of 4000 meters below the slope (gentle slope, mountainside, steep slope platform, etc.) and mountain front belt. Woodlands have woodlands (trees) 21 mainly distributed in the mountains (below 4000 meters above sea level) or in the slope, valley two slopes, mountain tops, plains.In qinghai nanshan, qilian mountains are. Woodland shrub 22 is mainly distributed in the higher mountain areas (below 4500 m), most of the distribution of hillside and valley and sand. Forest dredging 23 mainly distributed in the mountains, hills, plains and sandy land, gobi (soil, gravel) edge. Other woodlands 24 are mainly distributed in the oasis ridge, river, roadside and rural residential areas around. Grassland 31 is generally distributed in mountainous areas (gentle slopes), hills (steep slopes) and interriver beaches, gobi desert, sandy hills, etc. The covered grassland 32 is mainly distributed in dry places (next door low-lying land and sandy hills, etc.). Grassland low cover grassland 33 mainly grows in drier places (loess hills and sandy edges). The river channel 41 is mainly distributed in the plain, the cultivated land between the rivers and the valleys in the mountains. Water lakes are mainly distributed in low-lying areas. The reservoirs are mainly distributed in the intermountain lowlands and intersandy hills in qinghai province. Water area glaciers and permanent snow 44 mainly distributed in the plain, the valley between the river, there are surrounding residents and arable land. Waters and beaches are mainly distributed on the top of (over 4000) mountains.


1:100000 land use data set of Guizhou Province (1995)

This data is from "China 1:100,000 land use data".China 1:100,000 land use data was constructed in three years based on Landsat MSS, TM and ETM remote sensing data by using satellite remote sensing as a means to organize remote sensing science and technology teams from 19 institutes affiliated to the Chinese academy of sciences (cas) in the "eighth five-year plan" major application project "national macro survey and dynamic research on remote sensing of resources and environment". In 1995, guizhou province adopted a hierarchical land cover classification system, which divided the country into 6 primary categories (arable land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural areas, industrial and mining areas, residential land and unused land) and 31 secondary categories.It is the most accurate land use data product in China and has played an important role in national land resource survey, hydrological and ecological research.


Landuse/landcover data of the Heihe River Basin (2011)

The land use / land cover data set of Heihe River Basin in 2011 is the Remote Sensing Research Office of Institute of cold and drought of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Based on the remote sensing data of landsatm and ETM in 2011, combined with field investigation and verification, a 1:100000 land use / land cover image and vector database of Heihe River Basin is established. The main contents include: 1:100000 land use graph data and attribute data of Heihe River Basin. The land cover data of 1:100000 (2011) in Heihe River Basin and the previous land cover are classified into six first-class categories (cultivated land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural residents, industrial and mining land and unused land) and 25 second-class categories by the same hierarchical land cover classification system. The data type is vector polygon and stored in shape format. This data respects the opinion of the data author, and cannot share the whole basin data temporarily. Please indicate the research scope and exact purpose on the data application.


Landuse/landcover data of the Heihe River Basin in 2000

The Landuse/Landcover data of the Heihe River Basin in 2000 ( newly compiled in 2012), was finished by the Remote Sensing Laboratory of Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, using satellite remote sensing, based on the LandsaTM and ETM remote sensing data around 2000, combing field investigation and verification, thus leading to the establishment of the Heihe River Basin 1:10. 10,000 land use/land cover imagery and vector database. The main contents are: 1:100,000 land use graphic data and attribute data in the Heihe River Basin. The Heihe River Basin 1:100,000 (2011) land cover data and the previous land cover data use the same layered land cover classification system, the whole basin is divided into six first-class categories (cultivated land, woodland, grassland, waters, urban and rural residents, industrial and mining land and unused land), 25 secondary classes; data types are vector polygons, stored as Shape format. Land cover classification attributes: Primary type, secondary type, attribute coding, spatial distribution position Cultivated land: Plain dry land, 123, is mainly distributed in basin, Piedmont zone, river alluvial, diluvial plain or lacustrine plain (lack of water, irrigation condition is poor). Hilly dry land, 122, is mainly distributed in Hilly areas. Generally speaking, land blocks distribute on gentle slopes, ridges and mats of hills. Mountainous dry land, 121, is mainly distributed in mountainous areas, with the elevation below 4000 meters (gentle slope, mountainside, steep slope platform, etc.) and the Piedmont zones. Woodland: There is woodland (arbor), 21, is mainly distributed in the mountains (below 4000 meters ) or on the slopes of the mountains, valleys, hills, plains and so on. Shrub land, 22, is mainly distributed in higher mountain areas (below 4500 meters), most of which distribute in hillsides, valleys and sandy land. Sparse forest land, 23, is mainly distributed in the mountains, hills, plains and sandy land, and on the edge of the Gobi (loam, gravel). Other woodlands, 24, are mainly distributed in the oasis field, around rivers, roadsides and rural settlements. Grassland: Highly covered grassland, 31, is mainly distributed in mountainous areas (slow slopes), hills (steep slopes) and inter-river beaches, Gobi, sand dunes, etc.  Mid-covered grassland, 32, is mainly distributed in relatively dry areas (Gobi, low-lying land and sandy land,sand dunes, etc.). The low-cover grassland, 33, grows mainly in drier areas (on the loess hills and on the edge of the sand). Waters: Channel, 41 is mainly distributed in plains, inter-river cultivated land and inter-mountain valleys. Lake, 42, is mainly distributed in low-lying areas. Reservoir pit, 43, is mainly distributed in plains and valleys between rivers, surrounded by residential areas and cultivated land. Glacier and permanent snow cover, 44, mainly distribute at the top of (over 4000) alpine regions. Flood land, 46, is mainly distributed in the high and low hillside gullies, the piedmont, the plain lowlands, and the edge of the river and lake basins. Residents land: Urban land, 51, is mainly distributed in plains, mountain basins, slopes and valleys. Rural residential land, 52, are mainly distributed in oases, cultivated land and roadsides, on the tablelands and the slopes. Industrial land and traffic land, 53, are generally distributed in the periphery of towns, areas with fairly developed transportation and industrial mining areas. Unutilized land: Sandy land, 61, is mostly distributed in the basin, on both sides of the river, in the river bay and on the periphery of the Piedmont and Gobi. Gobi, 62, is mainly distributed in the Piedmont belt with strong wind erosion and sediment transport. Saline and alkaline land, 63, is mainly distributed in dry lakes, lakeside and areas relatively low with easy water accumulation. Swamp, 64, is mainly distributed in relatively low areas with easy water accumulation. Bare soil, 65, is mainly distributed in arid areas (steep hillsides, hills and gobi), with vegetation coverage less than 5%. Bare rock, 66, is mainly distributed in extremely arid rocky mountainous areas (windy and rainless). The other, 67 mainly distributes in bare rocks formed by freezing and thawing above 4000 meters, also known as alpine tundra.


HiWATER: Land cover map in the core experimental area of flux observation matrix

The dataset contains vegetation type in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, which was used to validate products from remote sensing. It was generated from investigating the land cover strips of CASI during 2012. Instruments: High-precision handheld GPS (2-3 m) and digital camera were used as main tools in the survey. Measurement method: Hierarchical classification is applied based on CASI data. According to various land types, pixel classifications is used for forest, grassland, bare land and building lands; in-situ observations and investigations are used for different crops. Dataset contains: land types, including maize, leek, poplar trees, cauliflower, bell pepper, potatoes, endive sprout, orchard, watermelon, kidney bean, pear orchard, shadow, and non-vegetation, except for 14 others which are not classified. Observation site: core experimental areas with 5*5 matrix structure in the middle reaches of the Heihe river basin Date: From 25 June in 2012 (UTC+8) on.
