Animal resources and their reasonable protection, development and utilization in Hoh Xil area of Qinghai Province (may August 1990)

Animal resources and their reasonable protection, development and utilization in Hoh Xil area of Qinghai Province (may August 1990)

The animal resources and their reasonable protection, development and utilization in Hoh Xil area of Qinghai Province are based on the comprehensive scientific investigation of Hoh Xil area carried out from May to August 1990. With the rapid increase of population in this century and the increasing intensity of human demand for natural resources, the resources have been seriously damaged, and the deterioration of natural environment and the increasing depletion of resources have become the focus of the world One of the most prominent problems in the world. In particular, the living environment of wild animals is still in a completely natural state, which is rare on earth. Most of Hoh Xil area is still a no man's land. It retains the original state of the ecosystem, and is also a refuge for many rare and unique resource animals. Therefore, it is a rare treasure land with rich animal resources in China and the world. Because of the bad natural conditions and the extremely difficult transportation in Hoh Xil area, zoologists have not been involved in this area for a long time. From May to August 1990, the animal group of the national comprehensive scientific investigation team of Hoh Xil region had the honor to go deep into the region to carry out resource investigation. They had a relatively clear understanding of the resource background and mastered a large number of first-hand materials, thus filling the scientific blank of animal resources in this region.

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The data set is stored in Excel format and contains 11 workbooks, which are 1. The list of animal resource species in Hoh Xil area 2. The main economic significance and biological value of resource animals in Hoh Xil area 3. The composition of the population of asinus Kiang in Hoh Xil area 4. Asinus Kiang in Hoh Xil area Population statistics 5. Composition of wild consumption cattle population in Hoh Xil area 6. Composition of wild consumption cattle population in Hoh Xil area 7. Composition of Tibetan gazelle population in Hoh Xil area 8. Composition of Tibetan gazelle population in Hoh Xil area 9. Composition of Tibetan gazelle population in Hoh Xil area 10. Statistics of Tibetan gazelle population in Hoh Xil area 11 The table introduces in detail the species list of animal resources in Hoh Xil area, the composition of the population, the quantity statistics and the precious data collected.

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Cite as:

Feng, Z. (2021). Animal resources and their reasonable protection, development and utilization in Hoh Xil area of Qinghai Province (may August 1990). A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles, DOI: 10.11888/HumanNat.tpdc.272551. CSTR: 18406.11.HumanNat.tpdc.272551. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

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  • Temporal resolution: Monthly
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  • File size: 6 MB
  • Views: 334
  • Downloads: 138
  • Access: Open Access
  • Temporal coverage: May August 1990
  • Updated time: 2022-06-10
: FENG Zuojian  

Distributor: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles


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