首页 / 数据产品 / 按文献浏览 / Spatial upscaling of in-situ soil moisture measurements based on MODIS-derived apparent thermal inertia. Remote Sensing of Environment

Spatial upscaling of in-situ soil moisture measurements based on MODIS-derived apparent thermal inertia. Remote Sensing of Environment


Qin, J., Yang, K., Lu, N., Chen, Y.Y., Zhao, L., & Han, M.L. (2013). Spatial upscaling of in-situ soil moisture measurements based on MODIS-derived apparent thermal inertia. Remote Sensing of Environment, 138, 1-9.


Spatial upscaling of in-situ soil moisture measurements based on MODIS-derived apparent thermal inertia. Remote Sensing of Environment

年份 2013
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