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AERA5-Asia: A long-term Asian precipitation dataset (0.1°, 1 hourly, 1951–2015, Asia) anchoring the ERA5-Land under the total volume control by APHRODITE


Ma, Z.Q.*, Xu, J.T., Ma, Y.M.*, Zhu, S.Y., He, K., Zhang, S.J., Ma, W.Q., & Xu, X.D. (2022). AERA5-Asia: A long-term Asian precipitation dataset (0.1°, 1 hourly, 1951–2015, Asia) anchoring the ERA5-Land under the total volume control by APHRODITE. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 103 (4). DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0328.1.


AERA5-Asia: A long-term Asian precipitation dataset (0.1°, 1 hourly, 1951–2015, Asia) anchoring the ERA5-Land under the total volume control by APHRODITE

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