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Research on Spatial difference of ecosystem services supply and demand in China


Liu C, Xue H. Research on Spatial difference of ecosystem services supply and demand in China[C]//2010 International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology (ESIAT). 2010, 3: 252–255. doi:10.1109/ESIAT.2010.5568384


Research on Spatial difference of ecosystem services supply and demand in China

年份 2010

2010 International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology (ESIAT)


The ecosystem services value and the ecological footprint were selected as indicators for regional ecological supply and demand. The research was based on a quantitative evaluation of the ecosystem services value, accounting of the ecological footprint and ecological deficit/surplus in different provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). Furthermore, spatial overlay analysis of the ecosystem services value and ecological footprint in different provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) was also carried out with the help of GIS technology and methods. The findings of the research include: 1) Spatial difference between the ecosystem services supply and demand was quite obvious in different provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). 2) Ecological footprint of energy consumption was in the largest proportion in different provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). 3) The spatial difference of the ecosystem services supply and demand can cause the difference of regional development foundation and conditions, and the difference can lead to the imbalance of regional economic and social development.

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