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Genesis of the Shangjinshan W–Mo polymetallic deposit in the Eastern Jiangnan tungsten belt: Evidences from geochemistry, geochronology and zircon Hf isotope analyses


Tang, C., Yang, X. Y., & Cao, J. Y., (2019). Genesis of the Shangjinshan W–Mo polymetallic deposit in the Eastern Jiangnan tungsten belt: Evidences from geochemistry, geochronology and zircon Hf isotope analyses. Ore Geology Reviews, 115. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.103172


Genesis of the Shangjinshan W–Mo polymetallic deposit in the Eastern Jiangnan tungsten belt: Evidences from geochemistry, geochronology and zircon Hf isotope analyses

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