首页 / 数据产品 / 按文献浏览 / Evolution of multistage hydrothermal fluids in the Luoboling porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Zijinshan ore field, Fujian Province, China: Insights from LA-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions

Evolution of multistage hydrothermal fluids in the Luoboling porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Zijinshan ore field, Fujian Province, China: Insights from LA-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions


Zhao, X. Y., Zhong, H., Hu, R. Z., Mao, W., Bai, Z. J., Lan, T. G., & Xue, K. (2020). Evolution of multistage hydrothermal fluids in the Luoboling porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Zijinshan ore field, Fujian Province, China: Insights from LA-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions. Economic Geology. v. 116, p. 581–606.


Evolution of multistage hydrothermal fluids in the Luoboling porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Zijinshan ore field, Fujian Province, China: Insights from LA-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions

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