首页 / 数据产品 / 按文献浏览 / Relative assessment of tectonic activity along the seismically active Katrol Hill Fault, Kachchh, western India.

Relative assessment of tectonic activity along the seismically active Katrol Hill Fault, Kachchh, western India.


Das, A., Prizomwala, S. P., Solanki, T., Chauhan, G., Thakkar, M. G., & Bhatt, N. (2019). Relative assessment of tectonic activity along the seismically active Katrol Hill Fault, Kachchh, western India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 94(2), 179-187.


Relative assessment of tectonic activity along the seismically active Katrol Hill Fault, Kachchh, western India.

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